Campus Life

Dropout Prevention Cell

The Dropout Prevention Cell at Uttara University is a great example of how to help and guide students who are facing problems that might get in the way of their academic progress. As part of our office's strong commitment to creating an environment of success and acceptance, we work to keep students from dropping out of school too soon and to support their overall growth.

At the heart of our purpose are a set of clear goals that aim to deal with the complicated issues that lead to high rates of student dropout. Our main goal is to find and fix the problems that cause students to drop out, such as problems with schoolwork, personal life, money, and other issues. Our goal is to help students deal with problems and stay committed to their studies by stepping in before they happen and giving them individualised help.

As part of its main duties, the Dropout Prevention Cell works on a wide range of projects that are meant to help students throughout their academic careers. These duties include making sure students can get to resources and support services, giving them academic help and counselling, and creating a helpful environment where they feel valued, heard, and supported.

In addition, our office works closely with teachers, staff, and other important parties to carry out strategies for early detection and intervention. This makes sure that kids get the help they need before the problems get worse. Our goal is to create a campus community where all students have the same chances to thrive and succeed by creating an atmosphere of empathy, understanding, and effective support. We want to get rid of things that get in the way of education, help students deal with problems, and create a holistic learning setting that is more inclusive and fair for everyone.

Student Affairs

Health and Wellness

  • Mental Health Unit
  • The mission of the Mental Health Unit at Uttara University is to champion and provide assistance for the psychological welfare of all members of the university community, including students, faculty, and staff. Our institution is dedicated to cultivating an environment that is supportive and inclusive. To this end, we actively contribute by offering counselling services, resources, and advocacy to raise awareness about mental health and provide support at the university.

    The primary aim of our organisation is to advance the mental health and overall well-being of individuals enrolled at the university. Our objective is to establish a secure and supportive setting that encourages people to seek assistance, utilise available resources, and participate in dialogues pertaining to mental health.

    The Mental Health Unit is entrusted with a variety of primary duties, which comprise the provision of counselling and therapy services, coordination of seminars and campaigns to raise awareness about mental health, and facilitation of peer counselling and support group initiatives. Our organisation makes every effort to attend to the varied mental health requirements of students, faculty, and staff by providing individualised, compassionate, and confidential assistance.

    In addition, our unit is committed to fostering mental health literacy and diminishing the social stigma associated with mental illness among members of the university community. We engage in collaborative efforts with stakeholders on campus to execute educational programmes, initiatives, and events that promote help-seeking behaviour, cultivate a culture of empathy and support, and enhance awareness regarding mental health concerns.

    Beyond our advocacy and direct support initiatives, the Mental Health Unit assumes a critical function in crisis intervention and response as well. We offer immediate assistance and recommendations to people who are undergoing critical mental health situations; we do so in conjunction with campus and community resources to guarantee prompt and suitable treatment.

  • Gym and Indoor Games corner is under construction as of July 2024

New Campus

The Uttara University campus began its journey in 2003 under the tutelage and supervision of its founder, Professor Dr. M Azizur Rahman. To ensure that its students get top-notch education and facilities in a technology-driven atmosphere, in 2023, Uttara University shifted from its previous campus to a permanent location beside the scenic Turag river, a mere five minutes away from any of the Uttara Metro Rail Stations: Uttara South, Uttara Center, and Uttara North.

The campus building is an imposing landmark, visible from a great distance and on 1.5 acres. Students can study, and faculty members can conduct research in the university's state-of-the-art facilities. The Mirpur Beribadh Road, along with many designated buses, offers ease of access to the campus. Adequate parking space has been allocated for transport in and out of the campus. Strict security measures are also in place to ensure the safety of its students and staff and to maintain the principle of students’ academic freedom.

Anyone entering the campus will not fail to notice that no expense was spared in constructing a “smart city” campus, where innovative technology is leveraged to create better educational amenities and outcomes for its students and faculty members. A cutting-edge IT infrastructure is in place to ensure ideal online accessibility. A VRF central air conditioning system, along with excellent ventilation, provides comfort for all who dwell within the building. A backup generator guarantees that the students will never have a power outage. CCTV cameras, card scanners, and security guards are posted at all entrances and exits, ensuring around-the-clock surveillance. In any unlikely event of a fire, fire exits, extinguishers, and other security paraphernalia will facilitate the safety of the students. If there are any medical hazards, a medical center on the ground floor will provide necessary aid.

Every room within the campus, be it related to the administration or the academic activity of the university, has been constructed with ergonomic and practical aspects in mind. Classrooms are spacious and equipped with the furnishings and resources that befit the third-millennium learning environment. An excellently stocked library, accompanied by numerous space-age labs, provides students with a facilitating learning environment. The spacious classrooms furnished with computers, projectors, smart boards, and sound systems are some signature features of the UU academic atmosphere.

The cafeteria caters to the needs of the students and the staff with various healthy and delicious options. Students will find an enormous auditorium, allowing them to participate in grand events, ceremonies, and competitions. An indoor games room and an expansive field outside offer the students opportunities for indoor and outdoor sports activities. An amphitheater and a second auditorium are under construction to augment the existing conveniences. The spiritual needs of the students are not neglected either, as there are prayer rooms (for both male and female students) for this purpose. A daycare center for students with children will soon be completed to ensure that students with children feel at ease while attending classes.

Campus Safety

Uttara University has consistently prioritised the safety of its students, faculty, and non-teaching personnel. Our campus is equipped with a professional security team and well-lit walkways to ensure the safety of all visitors. Additionally, 24/7 surveillance is available.
