Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Chairman's Message

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Uttara University. The Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) is one of the oldest departments at Uttara University. It began its academic activities in 2003 with a mission to produce highly skilled graduates in the field of computer science and ICT, empowering the science and technology sector of our country by developing good researchers, engineers capable of competing in the international market, and IT professionals contributing to the vision of a "Digital Bangladesh."

The department offers a four-year B.Sc. (Engg.) program in Computer Science & Engineering, which follows a comprehensive curriculum aligned with both national and international standards. We also provide course or semester waivers for evening batch students (for the same B.Sc. in CSE program) who hold a four-year diploma in engineering. Additionally, the department offers an M.Sc. (Engg.) in CSE program with advanced topics related to computer science.

The department is well-equipped with a variety of specialized labs, including a computer programming lab, internet programming lab, digital and microprocessor lab, physics lab, VLSI and AI lab, computer simulation lab, and communication and networking lab, all with free Wi-Fi facilities for students. We have a dedicated team of thirty highly qualified and energetic faculty members, along with skilled technical and office staff.

Our department conducts research on cutting-edge topics such as image processing, computer vision, human-computer interaction, machine learning, pattern recognition, and computer security, among others. Faculty and student research papers are regularly published in national and international journals. Students have also participated in various programming contests, which have enhanced their programming skills.

The CSE Department hosts several clubs under the guidance of departmental faculty, including the Computer and Programming Club, Cultural and Debating Club, and Sports and Photography Club. Our mission is to discover new ICT-based ideas, promote knowledge, and apply them for the benefit of the nation. Our main goal is to educate learners to become assets in the field of science and technology, all at an affordable tuition cost.

Once again, I welcome you and encourage you to explore the CSE department at Uttara University.

Dr Mohammad Amanul Islam

Assistant Professor and Chairman

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department Overview

The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc. Eng.) program in Computer Science & Engineering offers students a strong foundation in core technical areas, along with exposure to cutting-edge technologies where their engineering contributions will be utilized. The program covers topics such as computer architecture, computer systems and networks, digital system theory and design, and software engineering.

In the spirit of lifelong learning, the university will build on its national and international reputation for innovative, student-centred programs that enable students from diverse backgrounds to achieve their educational goals. The university is committed to fostering academic excellence through a curriculum, teaching, scholarship, and services designed to contribute to the development of a knowledge-based society while ensuring quality education. By instilling moral values and nurturing the latent potential of students, the program prepares them to secure positions in the job market in a manner that is ethically sound, religiously affirmable, culturally harmonious, and intellectually competent.


To become globally recognized as a leading Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) department in terms of academic research, teaching excellence, and engineering impact.


  • To achieve academic excellence in the field of Computer Science and Engineering through conducive teaching-learning process
  • To achieve state-of-the-art research excellence by promoting interdisciplinary research among faculty members and students
  • To induce ethical, professional and entrepreneurship spirit among the students so as to enable them to enormously contribute toward technology advancements at the national and international levels.

What Expertise Do We Build Up?

  • Real-life Programming to enhance problem-solving capabilities.
  • Software Engineering knowledge to enhance software analysis and design capabilities.
  • Expertise in Artificial Intelligence to meet the needs of intelligent and autonomous systems.
  • Computer networking skills are needed to meet the needs of the modern connected world.
  • Leadership and soft skills to meet the needs of the 21st century.

What lab facilities do we have?

  • Software Engineering Lab
  • Networking and Communication Lab
  • Embedded Systems and IoT Lab
  • High-Performance Computing Lab
  • Cyber Security and Resilience Lab
  • AI & Machine Learning / Generative AI Lab
  • Data Science Lab
  • General Purpose Programming Lab
  • Competitive Programming Practice Lab
  • Computer Interfacing Lab
  • Computer Simulation Lab
  • VLSI Lab
  • Microprocessor and Embedded System Lab
  • Electrical Circuit Lab
  • Electronic Circuit Lab
  • Physics Laboratory


  • To modernize and enhance the programs offered by the department through the incorporation of well-designed co- and extracurricular activities for the development of specific skills required by the industry.
  • To build research programs, in particular multi-disciplinary ones, in order to facilitate the development of research and innovation skills of the students as well as of the faculty members.
  • To build relationships with industry and funding agencies in order to enhance employability and research potential.
  • To enhance the academic reputation and ranking of the department.
  • Exhibiting their computing expertise within the computing community through corporate leadership, entrepreneurship, and/or advanced graduate study.
  • Developing and implementing solution based systems and/or processes that address issues and/or improve existing systems within in a computing based industry.

Medium of Instruction

Uttara University offers all the courses of study primarily in English. Teachers provide instruction to students in the classroom in English. English is also widely used as a medium of communication among the faculties, students, and administrative officials.

Academic Programs


BSc (Engg.) in Computer Science & Engineering

BSc (Engg.) in Computer Science & Engineering (For Diploma Holder)


MSc (Engg.) in Computer Science & Engineering

Description of the Program

Bachelor of Science (Engg.) in Computer Science & Engineering (B.Sc. in CSE)

The Department of Computer Science & Engineering offers a program leading to a B.Sc. (Engg.) in Computer Science & Engineering (B.Sc. in CSE) with the goal of producing world-class professionals in the field. The program is designed to achieve a perfect blend of theory and practice, enabling students to steadily increase their engineering knowledge and skills. Through this program, students will receive comprehensive training in various environments and across diverse hardware and software platforms

Students will gain knowledge in key CSE fields, including Software Engineering, Web Programming, Computer Networking, Computer Architecture, Microprocessors, Machine Learning, Cloud Computing, and Cyber Security, preparing them to meet the challenges of the emerging ICT industry of the 21st century. Additionally, reflecting recent trends in tertiary engineering education, the CSE curriculum includes select interdisciplinary subjects, forming a broad base of knowledge to help students navigate the complex, multidimensional problems of the contemporary world.

To earn the B.Sc. (Engg.) in CSE degree, students are required to complete a minimum of 145 credits, typically over a period of four years. This total of 145 credits includes 7 credits in Language, History, and Culture-related courses; 18 credits in General Education courses; 15 credits in Basic Science and Engineering-related courses; 12 credits in Mathematics-related courses; 75 credits in Core Computer Science and Engineering courses; 12 credits in Elective courses; and 6 credits for Project/Internship work. Students must pass all courses individually and maintain a minimum CGPA of 2.0

Structure of the Curriculum

Duration of the Program

Years: 4 (Four)

Semesters: 8 (Eight)

Minimum Credit Requirement

The total minimum credits required to be completed in order to obtain the degree of B.Sc. (Engg.) in Computer Science and Engineering is 145.

Total Class Weeks in a Semester

The duration of a semester is six months, including class tests and mid-term and term final examinations. The duration of a semester is arranged as follows:

Theory and Practical Classes 14 weeks
Mid-Term Examination 2 weeks
Semester Final Examination 3 weeks
Total 19 weeks

There shall be two examinations: the Mid-Term and the Semester Final Examination. The Semester Final Examination will be held at the end of each semester upon completion of the coursework for that semester.

Minimum CGPA Requirements for Graduation

The performance of a student will be evaluated in terms of semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative grade point average (CGPA) which is the grade average for all the semesters. For the award of the B.Sc. (Engg.) in CSE degree, a student shall have to earn all the credits offered by the Department of CSE and MUST secure a minimum CGPA of 2.0.

Maximum Academic Years of Completion

The course of study of the program has to be completed by a student over a maximum period of 14 (Fourteen) consecutive semesters.

Graduate Attributes

Graduate attributes referred to in this curriculum are divided into three groups, namely,

  • knowledge profile
  • Range of Complex Engineering Problem Solving and
  • Range of Complex Engineering Activities

These graduate attributes are shown in Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 below.

Table 1: Knowledge Profile

K1 A systematic, theory-based understanding of the natural sciences applicable to the discipline.
K2 Conceto the discipline.
K3 A systematic based mathematics, numerical analysis, statistics and the formal aspects of computer and information science to support analysis and modeling applicable c, theory-based formulation of engineering fundamentals required in the engineering discipline.
K4 Engineering specialist knowledge that provides theoretical frameworks and bodies of knowledge for the accepted practice areas in the engineering discipline: much is at the forefront of the discipline
K5 Knowledge that supports engineering design in a practice area
K6 Knowledge of engineering practice (technology) in the practice areas in the engineering discipline
K7 Comprehension of the role of engineering in society and identified issues in engineering practice in the discipline: ethics and the engineer’s professional responsibility to public safety; the impacts of engineering activity; economic, social, cultural, environmental and sustainability
K8 Engagement with selected knowledge in the research literature of the discipline

Table 2: Range of Complex Engineering Problem Solving

Attribute Complex Engineering Problems have characteristic P1 and some or all of P2 to P7
Depth of knowledge required P1 : Cannot be resolved without in-depth engineering knowledge at the level of one or more of K3, K4, K5, K6 or K8 which allows a fundamentals-based, first principles analytical Approach
Range of conflicting requirements P2 : Involve wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering and other issues
Depth of analysis required P3 : Have no obvious solution and require abstract thinking, originality in analysis to formulate suitable models
Familiarity of issues P4 : Involve infrequently encountered issues
Extent of applicable codes P5 : Are outside problems encompassed by standards and codes of practice for professional engineering
Extent of stakeholder involvement and conflicting requirements P6 : Involve diverse groups of stakeholders with widely varying needs
Interdependence P7 : Are high level problems including many component parts or sub-problems

Table 3: Range of Complex Engineering Activities

Attribute Complex activities mean (engineering) activities or projects that have some or all of the following characteristics:
Range of resources A1 : Involve the use of diverse resources (and for this purpose resources include people, money, equipment, materials, information and technologies)
Level of interaction A2 : Require resolution of significant problems arising from interactions between wide-ranging or conflicting technical, engineering or other issues
Innovation A3 : Involve creative use of engineering principles and research-based knowledge in novel ways
Consequences for society and the environment A4 : Have significant consequences in a range of contexts, characterized by difficulty of prediction and mitigation
Familiarity A5 : Can extend beyond previous experiences by applying principles-based approaches

Educational Objectives of the Program

In accordance with the vision and mission of the department, the program of B.Sc. (Engg.) in CSE has been designed with the aim of producing competent graduates who will establish themselves as successful professionals/entrepreneurs within a few years of time after graduation. The program involves the following educational objectives: the graduates of the program will

PEO1: Build up excellent careers as skilled professionals/entrepreneurs in the field of Computer Science and Engineering with the aptitude to learn and solve complex engineering problems in the fast-evolving computational field.

PEO2: Engage themselves in lifelong learning so as to attain continuous improvements in their professional/entrepreneurial careers.

PEO3: Engage themselves in multi-disciplinary research in order to advance research and innovation in multidisciplinary settings.

PEO4: Contribute substantially to society through professional and entrepreneurial roles and responsibilities with adherence to moral, ethical and sustainability standards.

Program Learning Outcomes

In order to achieve the educational objectives, the B.Sc. (Engg.) program in CSE has been designed with the following program learning outcomes (PLO).

PLO1: Engineering Knowledge

Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering fundamentals and an engineering specialization as specified in the attributes of the knowledge profile (K1 to K4) respectively in Table 1 to the solution of complex computer science and engineering problems (EP1 to EP7) as specified in Table 2.

PLO2: Problem Analysis

Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex computer science and engineering problems (EP1 to EP7), reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences. (K1 to K4)

PLO3: Design/development of solutions

Design solutions for complex computer science and engineering problems (EP1 to EP7) and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. (K5)

PLO4: Investigations

Conduct investigations of complex computer science and engineering problems (EP1 to EP7) using research-based knowledge (K8) and research methods, including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.

PLO5: Modern Tool Usage

Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to complex computer science and engineering problems (EP1 to EP7), with an understanding of the limitations. (K6)

PLO6: The Engineer and Society

Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional computer science and engineering practice and solutions to complex computer science and engineering problems (EP1 to EP7). (K7)

PLO7: Environment and Sustainability

Understand and evaluate the sustainability and impact of professional computer science and engineering work in the solution of complex computer science and engineering problems (EP1 to EP7) in societal and environmental contexts. (K7)

PLO8: Ethics

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of computer science and engineering practice. (K7)

PLO9: Individual Work and Teamwork

Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.

PLO10: Communication

Communicate effectively on complex computer science and engineering activities (EA1 to EA5) as specified in Table 3 with the computer science and engineering community and with society at large, such as being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

PLO11: Project Management and Finance

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of engineering management principles and economic decision-making and apply these to one’s own work as a member and leader in a team to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PLO12: Life-Long Learning

Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Mapping the mission of the univeristy with the mission of the department

Missions DM1 DM2 DM3

Mapping of PEOs with mission of the department

Missions DM1 DM2 DM3
  • DM - Department Mission
  • PEO - Program Educational Objectives

Mapping of PLOs with the PEOs


Mapping courses with the PLOs

Title Details
Mapping courses with the PLOs View

Guideline for Student

Marks Distribution

Particulars Marks
Class participation/Attendance 10%
Continuous Assessment Class Performance, Quiz, Assignment, Viva Voce 20%
Mid Term Examination 30%
Semester Final Examination 40%
Total 100%

Admission Requirements (Undergraduate)

For the Bachelor of Science (Engg.) in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) program, the entry-level requirement is an H.S.C. (Higher Secondary Certificate) or “A” Level in Science from any education board, including the Madrasha Board or a 3 or 4-year Diploma in Engineering from the Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB) or equivalent education in Bangladesh. For students from foreign institutions, the entry-level will be determined by the appropriate authorities.

Students who have completed S.S.C. and H.S.C. with a science background must have a minimum of 2nd division or a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in both S.S.C. and H.S.C. to be eligible for admission. O-level students must have five subjects in O-level and two major subjects (Math and Physics) in A-level, with an average grade of C. Students with a Diploma in Engineering in fields such as Electrical, Electronics, Computer, Telecommunication, Power, Mechanical, Mechatronics, Automobile, Instrumentation and Process Control, Civil, Surveying, Shipbuilding, Data Telecommunication and Networking Technology, Aircraft Maintenance, Electro-Medical, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Marine, Chemical Engineering, or Glass and Ceramics are also eligible for admission, with course exemptions as per university guidelines.

Candidates are selected for admission based on past academic records, a written test, and a viva voce examination.

Admission Requirements (Graduate)

Admission Eligibility

A student should have at least second division or minimum GPA 2.5 in both SSC & HSC or equivalent examinations
A minimum GPA 2.00 in SSC or HSC or in equivalent examinations, but total GPA not less than 6.00
A student should have five subjects in “O” Level and 2 subjects in “A” Level. Out of these seven subjects in these two examinations, Grade B or GPA 4.0 in any four subjects and Grade C or GPA 3.5 in other three subjects

For the children of Freedom Fighters: A minimum total GPA 5.00 in SSC and HSC or in equivalent examinations.

Required Documents during Admission

  • All Academic Certificates in original and photocopies
  • All Mark Sheets/Transcripts in original and photocopies
  • Three copies of colored passport size photograph
  • One copy of colored stamp size photograph

Contact For Admission

Hotline: 01872607360-69

Apply Online: Click here for online application

Category of Courses

1. Language, History and Cultures related Courses

Code Course Title Credit Hours
ENG0232101 Communicative English 3
ENG0232102 Communicative English Lab 1
GED0222101 Bangladesh Studies: History and Cultures 3
Total 7

2. General Education related Courses

Code Course Title Credit Hours
ECO0311101 Engineering Economics 3
BUS0411301 Financial and Managerial Accounting 3
GED0223101 Professional Ethics and Environmental Protection 3
GED0413201 Entrepreneurship: Innovation and Commercialization 3
MIS0611401 Information Systems Management 3
MIS0611403 System Auditing and Maintenance 3
Total 6 Courses 18

3. Basic Science and Engineering Related Courses

Code Course Title Credit Hours
PHY0533101 Physics 3
PHY0533102 Physics Lab 1
EEE0713101 Electrical Engineering 3
EEE0713102 Electrical Engineering Lab 1
EEE0713201 Electronics 3
EEE0714202 Electronics Lab 1
CSE0611301 Engineering Drawing 3
Total 7 Courses 15

4. Mathematics related Courses

Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAT0541101 Differential and Integral Calculus 3
MAT0541202 Statistics and Queuing Theory 3
MAT0541102 Linear Algebra 3
MAT0541201 Engineering Mathematics 3
Total 4 Courses 12

5. Computer Science and Engineering Related Core Courses

Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSE0613101 Structured Programming Language 3
CSE0613102 Structured Programming Language Lab 1
CSE0613201 Object-Oriented Programming Language 3
CSE0613202 Object-Oriented Programming Language Lab 1
CSE0613301 Web Programming 3
CSE0613302 Web Programming Lab 1
CSE0613207 Java Programming 3
CSE0613208 Java Programming Lab 1
CSE0611101 Discrete Mathematics 3
CSE0613103 Data Structure and Algorithms 3
CSE0613104 Data Structure and Algorithms Lab 1
CSE0613305 Automate Theory and Compiler 3
CSE0613306 Automate Theory and Compiler Lab 1
CSE0613311 Artificial Intelligence 3
CSE0613312 Artificial Intelligence Lab 1
CSE0612301 Database Management System 3
CSE0612302 Database Management System Lab 1
CSE0613206 Operating System Lab 1
CSE0613206 Operating System Lab 1
CSE0613309 Software Engineering 3
CSE0613310 Software Engineering Lab 1
CSE0613303 Systems Analysis and Design 3
CSE0611303 Software Testing and Quality Assurance 3
CSE0613401 Software Project Management 3
CSE0613203 Digital Logic Design 3
CSE0613204 Digital Logic Design Lab 1
CSE0611201 Computer Architecture 3
CSE0613209 Microprocessor Assembly Programming 3
CSE0613210 Microprocessor Assembly Programming Lab 1
CSE0613307 Microprocessor Assembly Programming Lab 1
CSE0612305 Computer Networking 3
CSE0612306 Computer Networking Lab 1
CSE0612303 Data Communication 1
CSE0612401 Switching and Routing 1
Total 35 Courses 75

6. Elective Courses

Elective Courses (Students are required to take any Four courses from this pool of elective courses)

Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSE0613405 Machine Learning 3
CSE0611405 Bioinformatics 3
CSE0612403 Cloud Computing 3
CSE0611407 Distributed System 3
CSE0611409 Embedded Systems 3
CSE0611411 Robotics 3
CSE0612405 Internet of Things (IoT) 3
CSE0611413 Data and Web Mining 3
CSE0611415 Big Data Analytics 3
CSE0613407 Mobile Application Development 3
CSE0613409 Machine Vision and Motion Analysis 3
CSE0613411 Quantum Computing 3
CSE0612407 Ethical Hacking and System Security 3
CSE0611417 Digital Forensic and Incident Response 3
CSE0612409 Blockchain and Distributed Security 3
MAT0541401 Numerical Methods 3
CSE0611419 Business Analytics 3
Total 4 Courses 12

7. Project

Code Course Title Credit Hours
CSE0613499 Project 6
Total 1 Courses 6

8. Courses Exempted for Diploma Students

A student who completed a 4 years' diploma will get the exemption of the following 6 courses (14 credit hours) to complete the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science & Engineering degree.

SL Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
1. PHY0533101 Physics 3
2. PHY0533102 Physics Lab 1
3. EEE0713101 Electrical Engineering 3
4. EEE0713102 Electrical Engineering Lab 1
5. ECO0311101 Engineering Economics 3
6. BUS0411301 Financial and Managerial Accounting 3
Total 6 Courses 14

9. Course Designation and Numbering System

Each course is designated by a designation including the following code:

  • All course numbers will have 7 (Seven) digits.
  • Departmental courses will begin with CSE, followed by a 7-digit number.
  • Mathematics-related courses will begin with MAT, followed by a 7-digit number.
  • English language-related courses will begin with ENG, followed by a 7-digit number.
  • Physics-related courses will begin with PHY and end with 7-digit numbers.
  • Business-related courses will begin with BUS followed by 7-digit numbers.
  • Electrical Engineering-related courses will begin with EEE and will be followed by a 7-digit number

Description of digits

  • 1st four numeric digits- Subject code according to BNQF (detailed field)
  • 5th digit- Year
  • 6th and 7th digit- Course number.
    (Note: odd number indicates theoretical course, and even numbers indicate lab course, except 411 indicates Project I and 422 indicate Project II.)

Semester wise distribution of courses

Title Details
Semester wise distribution of courses View

Student Activities

Title Details
Advising List View

CSE Co-Curricular Clubs List

  • Programming Club
  • Machine Learning Club
  • Robotics Club
  • Cyber Security Club
  • Freelancing Club
Programming Club

Join fellow enthusiasts to explore diverse programming languages, paradigms, and problem-solving techniques through workshops, coding challenges, and collaborative projects.

Machine Learning Club

Dive into the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning, discussing algorithms, applications, and cutting-edge research while working on hands-on projects to deepen understanding.

Robotics Club

Embark on a journey into robotics, where members design, build, and program robots for various applications, from autonomous navigation to competitions, fostering creativity and engineering skills.

Cyber Security Club

Delve into the realm of cybersecurity, where members learn about vulnerabilities, threats, and defense strategies through workshops, capture-the-flag competitions, and real-world simulations.

Freelancing Club

Explore the world of freelancing and entrepreneurship, sharing experiences, networking, and learning about freelancing platforms, business strategies, and project management to thrive in the gig economy.

Departmental Committees

Planning and Development (P&D) Committee

SL No. Role Name Title
1 Convener Md. Torikur Rahman Assistant Professor & Coordinator, CSE
2 Members Uttam Kumar Dey Assistant Professor & Coordinator, CSE
3 Md. Wahidur Rahman Senior Lecturer & Coordinator
4 Mohammad Alauddin Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE
5 Md. Amanat Ullah Assistant Professor, Math
6 Md. Belal Hossen Assistant Professor, Math

Quality & IEB Accreditation Cell (QIAC)

SL No. Role Name Title
1 Convener Md. Shafiul Alam Chowdhury Associate Professor, CSE
2 Member-Secretary Ratul Sikder Senior Lecturer, CSE
3 Team Members Md. Chowdhury Sajadul Islam Assistant Professor, CSE
4 Md. Harun-Ar-Rashid Lecturer, CSE
5 Md. Zubair Lecturer, CSE
6 Md. Khairul Alam Mazumder Lecturer, CSE
7 Members All Faculty Members of the Dept. of CSE

CSE Financial Committee

SL No. Role Name Title
1 Convener Md. Wahidur Rahman Senior Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE
2 Member Secretary Md. Harun-Ar-Rashid Lecturer, CSE
3 Team Members Nahida Islam Lecturer, CSE
4 Jubayer Ahmed Bhuiyan Shawon Lecturer, CSE
5 Md. Abdullah Lecturer, CSE
6 Members All Faculty Members of the Dept. of CSE

Lab Supervision Committee

SL No. Role Name Title
1 Convener Md. Wahidur Rahman Senior Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE
2 Member-Secretary Md. Zubair Lecturer, CSE
3 Member Tanvir Anjum Lecturer, EEE
4 Md. Ashaduzzaman Niloy Lecturer, EEE
5 Md. Injamul Islam Lecturer, CSE
6 Khondaker Masfiq Reza Lecturer, CSE

Examination Committee

Name Title
Coordinator Uttam Kumar Dey (Assistant Professor, CSE)
Exam – Chair Riasaad Haque Aneek (Senior Lecturer, CSE)
Member-Secretary Samia Yasmin, Lecturer, CSE
Nahida Islam, Lecturer, CSE
Members Jubayer Ahmed Bhuiyan Shawon, Lecturer, CSE
Md. Ashaduzzaman Niloy, Lecturer, EEE
Md. Morshed Ali, Lecturer, CSE
Shahanaz Islam Shaown, Lecturer, CSE
Md. Nazrul Islam, Lecturer, CSE
Tofayet Sultan, Lecturer, CSE
Nipa Anjum, Lecturer, CSE
Musfequa Rahman, Lecturer, CSE
Hasibul Islam Peyal, Lecturer, CSE
Md. Abdullah, Lecturer, CSE
Md. Monir Ahammod Bin Atique, Lecturer, CSE
Result Scrutiny Sub-Committee Convener Uttam Kumar Dey, Assistant Professor, CSE
Member-Secretary Tanvir Anjum, Lecturer, EEE
Member Khondaker Masfiq Reza, Lecturer, CSE
Exam Routine Sub-Committee Convener Najnin Hossain Esha (Lecturer, CSE)
Member-Secretary Noor Easrib Tiba (Lecturer, CSE)
Member Md. Nazmul Abdal (Lecturer, CSE)
Md. Injamul Islam (Lecturer, CSE)

Curriculum & Syllabus Committee

Role Name Title
Convener Dr. A. H. M. Saifullah Sadi Professor & Associate Dean, Dept. of CSE
External Members Prof. Dr. Mohammad Kaykobad Distinguished Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, BRAC University
Prof. Dr. Hafiz Md. Hasan Babu Professor, Dept. of CSE, University of Dhaka, Pro-Vice Chancellor, National University
Members Prof. Dr. Md. Mijanur Rahman Professor, CSE
Uttam Kumar Dey Assistant Professor & Coordinator, CSE
Naimul Haque Assistant Professor, CSE
Member-Secretary Md. Torikur Rahman Assistant Professor & Coordinator, CSE

Course Allocation & Load Distribution

Role Name Title
Coordinator Md. Torikur Rahman Assistant Professor, CSE
Convener Shafat Rashid Lecturer, EEE
Member-Secretary Md. Injamul Islam Lecturer, CSE
Pranta Banik Lecturer, CSE
Sumaiya Tanjil Khan Lecturer, CSE
Rokeya Begum Lecturer, Business
Md. Akif Hussain Lecturer, CSE
Zarin Tasnim Lecturer, CSE
Md. Abul Basar Lecturer, CSE

Credit Transfer Committee

Sl Title Name
1 Coordinator Mohammad Alauddin (Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE)
2 Convener Uttam Kumar Dey (Assistant Professor & Coordinator, CSE)
3 Member-Secretary Md. Ashaduzzaman Niloy (Lecturer, EEE)
4 Member Hasibul Islam Peyal (Lecturer, CSE)
5 Abdullah Mohammad Sakib (Lecturer, CSE)

Class Routine Committee

1 Coordinator Mohammad Alauddin (Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE)
2 Convener Naimul Haque (Assistant Professor, CSE)
3 Member-Secretary Md. Harun-Ar-Rashid (Lecturer, CSE)
4 Member Tanvir Anjum (TRA) (Lecturer, CSE)
5 Jubayer Ahmed Bhuiyan Shawon (Lecturer, CSE)
6 Abdullah Mohammad Sakib (Lecturer, CSE)
7 Md. Akif Hussain (Lecturer, CSE)

Event Management Committee

1 Coordinator Md. Wahidur Rahman (Senior Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE)
2 Convener Md. Mijanur Rahman Nijam (Lecturer, Bangladesh Studies)
3 Member-Secretary Hasibul Islam Peyal (Lecturer, CSE)
4 Member Md. Belal Hossen (Assistant Professor, CSE)
5 Tanzillah Wahid (Assistant Professor, CSE)
6 Naeem Mia (Lecturer, CSE)
7 Musfequa Rahman (Lecturer, CSE)
8 Nipa Anjum (Lecturer, CSE)

Project/Thesis Supervision Committee

1 Coordinator Md. Torikur Rahman (Assistant Professor, CSE)
2 Convener (Day) Md. Torikur Rahman (Assistant Professor & Coordinator, CSE)
3 Convener (Evening) Naimul Haque (Assistant Professor, CSE)
4 Member-Secretary (Day) Samia Yasmin (Lecturer, CSE)
5 Member (Day) Md. Morshed Ali (Lecturer, CSE)
6 Member-Secretary (Evening)
7 Member (Evening) Md. Khairul Alam Mazumder (Lecturer, CSE)

Promotional Activities (PA)

1 Coordinator Mohammad Alauddin (Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE)
2 Convener (PA) Md. Mijanur Rahman Nijam (Lecturer, Bangladesh Studies)
3 Member-Secretary (PA) Rokeya Begum (Lecturer, Business)
4 Member (PA) Md. Amanat Ullah (Assistant Professor, MATH)
5 Tanvir Anjum (Lecturer, EEE)
6 Md. Ashaduzzaman Niloy (Lecturer, EEE)
7 Will be selected as required

Disciplinary Committee

1 Member Uttam Kumar Dey (Assistant Professor & Coordinator, CSE)
2 Md. Torikur Rahman (Assistant Professor & Coordinator, CSE)
3 Md. Wahidur Rahman (Senior Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE)
4 Mohammad Alauddin (Lecturer & Coordinator, CSE)
5 Will be selected as required

About MikroTik

MikroTik is a Latvian company which was founded in 1996 to develop routers and wireless ISP systems. MikroTik now provides hardware and software for Internet connectivity in most of the countries around the world. Our experience in using industry standard PC hardware and complete routing systems allowed us in 1997 to create the RouterOS software system that provides extensive stability, controls, and flexibility for all kinds of data interfaces and routing. In 2002 MikroTik decided to make his own hardware, and the RouterBOARD brand was born. MikroTik company is located in Riga, the capital city of Latvia.

MikroTik Academy

We are pleased to announce that, Uttara University will become a MikroTik Academy in Bangladesh. This opportunity means Uttara University can offer the Students MikroTik Certified Associate (MTCNA) Course.

Course Title: MikroTik Certified Network Associate (MTCNA).

Duration: 4 Months.

Eligible Student: Only Uttara University students are eligible for this course.

Course Prerequisites: The student must have a good understanding of TCP/IP and subnetting. Suggested study IPv4 also.


By the end of this training session, the student will be familiar with RouterOS software and RouterBOARD products and be able to connect the client to the Internet. He will also be able to configure, manage, do basic troubleshooting of a MikroTik router and provide basic services to clients.

Course Outline:

Module-01: Introduction

1. About MikroTik

• What is Router OS

• What is Router BOARD

2. First time accessing the router

• WinBox and MAC-WinBox

• WebFig and Quick Set

• Default configuration

3. RouterOS command line interface (CLI)

• Null Modem cable

• SSH and Telnet

• New terminal in WinBox/WebFig

4. RouterOS CLI principles

• <tab>, double <tab>, “?”, navigation

• Command history and its benefits

5. Initial configuration (Internet access)

• WAN DHCP-client

• LAN IP address and default gateway

• Basic Firewall – NAT masquerade

6. Upgrading RouterOS

• Package types

• Ways of upgrading

• RouterBOOT firmware upgrade

7. Router identity

8. Manage RouterOS logins

9. Manage RouterOS services

10. Managing configuration backups

• Saving and restoring the backup

• Difference between a backup and an export (.rsc) file

• Editing an export file

11. Resetting a RouterOS device

12. Reinstalling a RouterOS device (Netinstall)

13. RouterOS license levels

14. Sources of additional information




• Distributor and consultant support


15. Module 1 laboratory

Module-02: DHCP

1. DHCP server and client

• DHCP client

• DHCP server setup

• Leases management

• DHCP server network configuration

2. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)

• ARP modes

• RouterOS ARP table

3. Module 2 laboratory

Module-03: Bridging

1. Bridging overview

• Bridge concepts and settings

• Creating bridges

• Adding ports to bridges

2. Bridge wireless networks

• Station bridge

3. Module 3 laboratory

Module-04: Routing

1. Routing overview

• Routing concepts

• Route flags

2. Static routing

• Creating routes

• Setting default route

• Managing dynamic routes

• Implementing static routing in a simple network

3. Module 4 laboratory

Module-05: Wireless

1. 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Concept

• Frequencies (bands, channels) data-rates / chains (tx power, rx    sensitivity, country regulations)

2. Setup a simple wireless link

• Access Point configuration

• Station configuration

3. Wireless Security and Encryptio

• Access List

• Connect List

• Default Authenticate

• Default Forward


• WPS accept, WPS client

4. Monitoring Tool

• Snooper

• Registration table

5. Module 5 laboratory

Module-06: Firewall

1. Firewall principles

• Connection tracking and states

• Structure, chains and actions

2. Firewall Filter in action

• Filter actions

• Protecting your router (input)

• Protection your customers (forward)

3. Basic Address-List

4. Source NAT

• Masquerade and src-nat action

5. Destination NAT

• dst-nat and redirect actions

6. FastTrack

7. Module 6 laboratory

Module-07: QoS

1. Simple Queue

• Target

• Destinations

• Max-limit and limit-at

• Bursting

2. One Simple queue for the whole network (PCQ)

• pcq-rate configuration

• pcq-limit configuration

3. Module 7 laboratory

Module-08: Tunnels

1. PPP settings

• PPP profile

• PPP secret

• PPP status

2. IP pool

• Creating pool

• Managing ranges

• Assigning to a service

3. Secure local network

• PPPoE service-name

• PPPoE client

• PPPoE server

4. Point-to-point addresses

5. Secure remote networks communication

• PPTP client and PPTP server (Quick Set)

• SSTP client

6. Module 8 laboratory

Module-09: Misc

1. RouterOS tools

• E-mail

• Netwatch

• Ping

• Traceroute

• Profiler (CPU load)

2. Monitoring

• Interface traffic monitor

• Torch

• Graphs


• The Dude

3. Contacting

• supout.rif, autosupout.rif and viewer

• System logs, enabling debug logs

• Readable configuration (item comments and names)

• Network diagrams

4. Module 9 laboratory

Staff of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering

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Md. Sabbir Hossain

Section Officer

MA, Islamic University

BA, Islamic University

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Staff of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering Lab

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Rezaul Kabir

Assistant Lab Instructor

BSc, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology

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Md. Rashed Parvez

Assistant Lab Instructor

BSc, Presidency University

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Md. Abu Darda

Assistant Lab Instructor

Diploma, Bangladesh Technical Education Board

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Md. Saharia Reza Pavel

Assistant Lab Instructor

Diploma, Dhaka Board

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Ponchu Debnath

Assistant Lab Instructor

Diploma, Bangladesh Technical Education Board

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Md. Ariful Islam

Assistant Lab Instructor

Diploma, Bangladesh Technical Education Board

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Md. Hasibur Rahman

Assistant Lab Instructor

BSc, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology

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Dipok Kumar Saha

Assistant Lab Instructor

Diploma, Bangladesh Technical Education Board

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Md. Munna Hasan

Assistant Lab Instructor

Diploma, Bangladesh Technical Education Board

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Research Projects

Projects: In Progress or Ongoing
Sl No. Name of Research Project Name of Project Manager Number of Project
1 An Enhanced Activation Function for Fully Connected Artificial Neural Networks Prof. Dr. Md. Mijanur Rahman, Professor & Dean, School of Science & Engineering, Uttara University 1
2 An Enhanced Activation Function for Fully Connected Artificial Neural Networks in Brain Tumor Identification from MRI Images Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Saifullah Sadi, Professor & Associate Dean, School of Science & Engineering, Uttara University 1
3 Multiclass paddy insect classification using transfer leaning and optimized feature Md. Wahidur Rahman, Senior Lecturer & Coordinator, Uttara University 1

Research Areas

Prof. Dr. A.H.M. Saifullah Sadi
  • Adoption of Innovation
  • Machine Learning & Deep Learning
  • M-commerce; E-commerce and M-banking
  • E-Learning
  • Cyber Security
Md. Shafiul Alam Chowdhury
  • Deep Learning
  • HCI
  • Speech Recognition
Uttam Kumar Dey
  • Distributed Systems
  • Distributed AI
  • Cyber Security


Title Details
Final Year Project (FYP) Proposal Form View

Lab Facilities

1. Software Engineering Lab:

Explore the principles and practices of software development, including requirements analysis, design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.

2. Networking and Communication Lab:

Delve into the world of network protocols, data transmission, and communication technologies to understand how data flows across interconnected systems.

3. Embedded Systems and IoT Lab:

Dive into the design and development of embedded systems and Internet of Things (IoT) devices, exploring hardware-software integration and real-time computing.

4. High-Performance Computing Lab:

Experience advanced computing techniques utilizing powerful GPU architectures, enabling high-speed processing for complex simulations and data analysis.

5. Cyber Security and Resilience Lab:

Focus on safeguarding digital systems from cyber threats, including intrusion detection, encryption techniques, and resilience strategies against cyber-attacks.

6. AI & Machine Learning / Generative AI Lab:

Engage in the study and application of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms for tasks such as pattern recognition, predictive analysis, and decision-making systems.

7. Data Science Lab:

Harness the power of data analytics and visualization tools to extract insights from large datasets, driving informed decision-making across various domains.

8. General Purpose Programming Lab:

Develop proficiency in various programming languages and paradigms, honing problem-solving skills and software development techniques.

9. Competitive Programming Practice Lab:

Sharpen algorithmic problem-solving skills through competitive programming challenges, fostering quick thinking and efficient coding practices.

10. Computer Interfacing Lab:

Explore methods of interfacing hardware components with computer systems, including sensors, actuators, and other peripherals.

11. Computer Simulation Lab:

Utilize simulation techniques to model and analyze complex systems, facilitating experimentation and prediction in diverse fields.

12. VLSI Lab:

Venture into the realm of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI), designing and testing integrated circuits for applications ranging from consumer electronics to specialized hardware.

13. Microprocessor and Embedded System Lab:

Dive into the architecture and programming of microprocessors and microcontrollers, gaining hands-on experience in embedded system development.

14. Electrical Circuit Lab:

Explore the fundamental principles of electrical circuits through hands-on experimentation, analyzing circuit behavior and characteristics.

15. Electronic Circuit Lab:

Delve into the design, analysis, and testing of electronic circuits, covering components such as diodes, transistors, and operational amplifiers.

16. Physics Laboratory:

Conduct experiments to explore fundamental principles of physics, including mechanics, electromagnetism, optics, and modern physics, fostering a deeper understanding of natural phenomena.

Main Campus

Holding 77, Beribadh Road, Turag, Uttara, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh
Mobile: 01872607360-62, 01706643282
Facebook Page:
