Department of Islamic Studies

Chairman's Message

Assalamu Alaikum,

Welcome to the Department of Islamic Studies at Uttara University. There are only a few universities in Bangladesh that offer Islamic Studies. The Department of Islamic Studies at Uttara University is one of the earliest departments to be established. It started its journey in 2003 with a mission to provide advanced knowledge in various aspects of Islam, including theology, Economics, Banking, jurisprudence, history, contemporary issues, and spirituality.

The Bachelor of Arts Honors program and Master’s program in Islamic Studies aim to present Islam as a comprehensive way of life based on the revealed knowledge of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. According to the Qur'an and Sunnah's teachings and practical guidance, the OBE curriculum is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of how human life develops.

The world is currently facing numerous challenges in various aspects of life. Many people struggle to understand the values, ideals, and morality presented in the sacred Quran and the teachings of the prophet Muhammad SAW. Islamic Studies helps to provide a deeper understanding of the broad spectrum of social and cultural diversity across humanity. In addition, the Department of Islamic Studies offers a wide range of opportunities to serve every nation in various fields.

Additionally, Graduates from the program help to ensure that a plurality of approaches to Islamic civilization is available to the students of today and tomorrow. Islamic Studies can be applied to a wide range of professions, including education, government, media, business, and others. Therefore, it is an invaluable subject that everyone should study.

Dr. Mostafa Kabir Siddiqui

Assistant Professor and Chairman

Department of Islamic Studies

Department at a Glance


Department of Islamic Studies was established in 2003. At present, the department offers three programs these are B A (Hon’s) in Islamic Studies & M A (2 years) in Islamic Studies and M A (1 year) in Islamic Studies. The aims of the department of Islamic Studies are to provide advanced knowledge in various aspects of Islam, including theology, Economics, Banking, jurisprudence, history, contemporary issues, and spirituality. The Bachelor of Arts Honors program and Master’s program in Islamic Studies aim to present Islam as a comprehensive way of life based on the revealed knowledge of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. According to the Qur'an and Sunnah's teachings and practical guidance, the OBE curriculum is designed to provide students with a deep understanding of how human life develops.


The Vision of the Department of Islamic Studies is to promote and inculcate ethical values and social norms. The department offers an appropriate curriculum to meet the economic, social, political and intellectual needs of society through the development of human character and personality through Islamic knowledge.


The mission of the program is to pursue excellence in teaching, research and consultancy in the academic study of Islam and Muslims as an implementation of the vision for education and multiculturalism. The Islamic Studies Department is working to achieve the following goals. To:

  • Promote intelligent debate and understanding of Islam and the role of Muslims in the contemporary world.
  • Provide the students with an opportunity to broaden, deepen, and enrich their understanding of Islam based on authentic sources and comparative methods of study.
  • Develop the students’ understanding of the position of the Qur’an in Islam.
  • Develop the students’ awareness of the history of Islam and promote the appreciation of Islamic ethics and code of personal practice.
  • Provide students with an opportunity to develop the capacity for independent learning, enable students to develop their academic potential, and prepare the students to contribute to both Muslim and multi-cultural environments.
  • Develop critical and analytical thinking in students and equip students with the skills they need to pursue lifelong learning.

What expertise do we build up?

  • To address societal problems using the Quran and Sunnah.
  • Assist with providing Islamic knowledge and guidance to help the general public choose the right path. can assist people in making informed decisions by providing them with Islamic knowledge and advice.
  • Help them to increase their level of Iman.
  • Individuals have the opportunity to choose any field of work that they desire.
  • We aspire to become a religious leader and positively influence people's lives.


The objectives of the Department of Islamic Studies are:

  • To present Islam as a complete code of life based on revealed knowledge of al-Quran and as-Sunnah.
  • To enable students to have a comprehensive view of the development of human life according to the teaching and practical guidance of Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.
  • To build research capability
  • To enhance the academic reputation and ranking of the department.

Medium of Instruction

Uttara University offers all the courses of study primarily in English. Teachers provide instruction to students in the classroom in English. English is also widely used as a medium of communication among the faculties, students, and administrative officials.

Academic Programs


1. Master of Arts (2 Years) in Islamic Studies

2. Master of Arts (1 Year) in Islamic Studies


Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Islamic Studies

Description of the Program

Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies (BA Hons)

The Department of Islamic Studies offers a 4-year Bachelor of Arts (Hons) program in Islamic Studies. The total credit requirement of this program is 144. After completing 12 years of schooling, a student is eligible for admission to this program. The program offers 35 Core courses (105 credit hours), 12 General Education (GED) courses (36 credit hours) and Viva 3 credit hours. The courses have been designed to develop Islamic values and a wide range of general knowledge among the students so that they are able to serve the society, the country and mankind as a whole as the worthy citizens of Bangladesh.

Graduate Attributes (based on need assessment)

The Graduate Attributes of the program of BA (Hons) in Islamic Studies are:

  • Graduates have comprehensive knowledge and understanding of their subject area, the ability to engage with different traditions of thought, and the ability to apply their knowledge in practice, including in multi-disciplinary or multi-professional contexts.
  • Graduates are effective problem-solvers, able to apply critical, creative and evidence-based thinking to conceive innovative responses to future challenges.
  • Graduates engage in professional behaviour and have the potential to be entrepreneurial and take leadership roles in their chosen occupations or careers and communities.
  • Graduates are responsible and effective global citizens whose personal values and practices are consistent with their roles as responsible members of society.
  • Graduates are well prepared for living, learning and working in a digital society.
  • Graduates are self-aware and reflective; they are flexible and resilient and have the capacity to accept and give constructive feedback; they act with integrity and take responsibility for their actions.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduates of the program are expected to:

PEO 1 : Acquire knowledge in the field of Islamic education to meet the needs of society and increase the confidence level in the future workplace; serve as a role model to national and international communities.

PEO 2 : Enhance the skills of the students to understand issues related to faith and religious life; integrate Islamic teaching into ethics for the purpose of improving students’ attitudes and behaviour.

PEO 3 : Emphasize receiving and interpreting information, express ideas and share knowledge with diverse audiences and show resilience, proactively and an ability to make principled decisions in various spheres.

PEO 4 : Build communication and collaborative relations with individuals and groups in the development of society through the formation of moral character in the light of Islam.

PEO 5 : Achieve creative skills in the field of study to recognize a role for themselves in creating a sustainable future and be able to consider the social, cultural, environmental and economic consequences of national and international issues by comparative and critical analysis.

PEO 6 : Use the necessary learning skills in the field of study and to solve problems in the light of Islam; prepare students to carry out scientific research in the field of Islamic Studies according to the standards of quality assurance.

PEO 7 : Ensure the quality of teaching and emphasize the role of Islamic studies in Muslim and international communities in general by comparative analysis, participate in research and development projects, and apply effective strategies for lifelong self-improvement by using the necessary skills.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The Program Learning Outcomes of BA (Hons) in Islamic Studies are to:

PLO 1 : Acquaint in-depth knowledge and understanding of Islam and other subjective areas with the values and morals.

PLO 2 : Acquire the skills of contemplative thinking, critical analysis and self-evaluation to improve the knowledge, skills and values which are related to the field of Islam and others.

PLO 3 : Develop their identity as a believer (Mu’min) and emphasize the responsibility of Muslims towards self, family, the Muslim nation, and humanity at large; practice the truth in all aspects of their lives according to the examples and teachings of the al-Quran and As-Sunnah.

PLO 4 : Build moral character in order to provide collaborative relations and promote leadership with individuals and groups in the light of Islam.

PLO 5 : Develop skills of contact & communication in the national and international issues sphere in order to launch a social relationships network with various community segments.

PLO 6 : Find the contemporary problems of different areas in society and provide solutions and recommendations based on using the proper analytical tools by developing cognitive, independent thinking and reflective attitude.

PLO 7 : Prepare for living, learning and working in a digital society; make decisions towards self-management and demonstrate professional knowledge and practical skills in both technical and management to lead a team in an inexperienced environment.

PLO 8 : Competent in research works and enables researchers to produce innovative areas.

Mapping Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs) with University Mission (MOUs)

Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs) MOU 1 MOU 2 MOU 3

Mapping Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) with the Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) MOP 1 MOP 2 MOP 3 MOP 4 MOP 5 MOP 6

Mapping Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) with the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 PEO 4 PEO 5 PEO 6 PEO 7

Mapping Courses with the Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

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Master of Arts in Islamic Studies (2 years)


The Vision of the Department of Islamic Studies is to promote and inculcate ethical values and social norms. The department offers an appropriate curriculum to meet the economic, social, political, and intellectual needs of society through the development of human character and personality through Islamic knowledge.


The mission of the BA (Hons) in Islamic Studies program is to pursue excellence in teaching, focusing on the academic study of Islam while promoting a vision of education that embraces multiculturalism. The program aims to enhance students' understanding of various Islamic issues, with a particular emphasis on comparative studies. The Department seeks to achieve the following objectives:

  • Provide students with opportunities to broaden, deepen, and enrich their understanding of Islam based on authentic sources.
  • Appreciation of Islamic ethics and personal practice, encouraging students to embody these principles in their lives.
  • Develop human behavior aligned with Islamic values, contributing to societal progress in light of Islamic teachings.
  • Foster students' capacity for independent learning and critical thinking.


The objective of the MA in Islamic Studies (2 Years) is to present Islam as a complete code of life based on revealed knowledge of al-Quran and As-Sunnah. So the curriculum is designed to enable students to have a comprehensive view of the development of human life according to the teaching and practical guidance of al-Quran and As-Sunnah. Accordingly, a new dimension of Islamic Economics and Administration has also been emphasized.

Description of the Program

The MA in Islamic Studies (2 Years) is a 77 credit hours’ program consisting of 24 courses (72 Credit hours), 3 Credits Thesis and 2 credits for Viva. This program is composed of 21 Core courses (63 credit hours) and 3 General Education (GED) courses (9 credit hours). After completing bachelor degree (pass course), the students are eligible for admission in this program. The courses of this program are composed of Islamic Courses and General Education courses.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

This program aims to discuss various topics of Islam that integrate proportional and theoretical methods that have developed in the modern academic study of Islam. Such as: Qur'anic Science, Hadith, Da'wah, Law, Comparative Religion, Banking, Morality, etc. The educational objectives of the program are to-

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

The graduates of the program are expected to:

PEO 1 : Acquaint with the concept of Islamic culture and its importance to meet the needs of society.

PEO 2 : Emphasize to receive and interpret information, express ideas and share knowledge with diverse audiences and to show resilience, proactively and an ability to make principled decisions in various spheres.

PEO 3 : Establish a rapport and build collaborative relationships with individuals and groups; ensure the quality of teaching and emphasize the role of Islamic studies in Muslim and international communities in general by comparative analysis.

PEO 4 : Recognize a role for themselves in creating a sustainable future and be able to consider the social, cultural, environmental and economic consequences of national and international issues.

PEO 5 : Increase the learning skill and confidence level in the future workplace to become a good human being and to communicate ideas clearly to develop society.

PEO 6 : Use the necessary learning skills in the field of study and solve problems in the light of Islam; participate in the research and development project.

PEO 7 : Ensure the quality of teaching and emphasize the role of Islamic studies in Muslim and international communities in general by comparative analysis, participate in research and development projects, and apply effective strategies for lifelong self-improvement by using the necessary skills.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The Program Learning Outcomes of BA (Hons) in Islamic Studies are to:

PLO 1 : Acquaint depth knowledge and understanding of different areas in Islam and others with the values and morals.

PLO 2 : Develop their identity as a believer (Mu’min) and emphasize the responsibility of Muslims towards self, family, the Muslim nation, and humanity at large; practice the truth in all aspects of their lives according to the examples and teachings of the al-Quran and as-Sunnah.

PLO 3 : Acquire the skills of contemplative thinking, critical analysis and self-evaluation to improve the knowledge, skills and values which are related to the field of Islam and others.

PLO 4 : Compare various subjects of Islam with conventional thoughts and Linking to the Islamic ethical issues of society.

PLO 5 : Ability to set goals and manage time and priorities and work effectively both independently and in groups in the light of Islam.

PLO 6 : Be a responsible and effective global citizen for living, learning and working in a digital society with personal values and practices; receive and provide constructive feedback for actions with honesty, awareness, flexibility, resilience and reflective attitude.

PLO 7 : Understand research methodology; demonstrate specific research skills to present their ideas, find gaps effectively in the relevant fields and must provide solutions to the existing problems.

Mapping Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs) with University Mission (MOUs)

Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs) MOU 1 MOU 2 MOU 3

Mapping Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) with the Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs)

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) MOP 1 MOP 2 MOP 3 MOP 4

Mapping Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) with the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 PEO 4 PEO 5 PEO 6

Mapping Courses with the Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

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Mapping Courses with the Learning Outcomes (PLOs) View

Master of Arts in Islamic Studies (1 year)


The Vision of the Department of Islamic Studies is to promote and inculcate ethical values and social norms. The department offers an appropriate curriculum to meet the economic, social, political and intellectual needs of the society through the development of human character and personality through Islamic knowledge.


The Mission of the program is to pursue excellence in teaching in the academic study of Islam and in the implementation of the vision for education and multiculturalism; this program focuses on developing and understanding various issues of Islam with special emphasis on comparative study. This Department is working to achieve the following goals are to:

  • Provide the students with an opportunity to broaden, deepen and enrich their understanding of Islam, based on authentic sources of study.
  • Promote the appreciation of Islamic ethics, code of personal practice and encourage to be a good human being in the light of Islam.
  • Develop human behaviour and implement it to develop society in the light of Islam.
  • Provide students with an opportunity to develop the capacity for independent learning.


The MA in Islamic Studies (Final) program of Uttara University presents Islam as a code of life based on the revealed knowledge of the Quran and Sunnah. So, the curriculum in the program is designed to enable students to have a comprehensive view of the development of human life according to the teaching and practical guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah.

Description of the Program

The Master of Arts in Islamic Studies (Final) is a 41 credit hours program consisting of 12 courses (36 credits hours), 3 credit hours for Thesis and 2 credit hours for Viva. This program is composed of 10 Core courses (30 credit hours) and 2 General Education (GED) courses (6 credit hours). After completing a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Islamic Studies, the students are eligible for admission to this program.

Graduate Attributes (based on need assessment)

The Graduate will be able to do the following things.

  • Gain deep discipline knowledge and intellectual breadth in the light of Islam.
  • Develop creative, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities with the help of Al Quran and As-Sunnah.
  • Work individually or in a team and develop communications skills in contemporary society through Islamic Knowledge.
  • Act with professionalism and leadership readiness with morals and values in the light of Islam.
  • Gain Intercultural and ethical competency with the help of Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.
  • Prepare to live, learn, and work in a contemporary society in the light of Islam.
  • Increase Self-awareness and emotional intelligence in the light of Al-Quran and As-Sunnah.
  • Demonstrate competence in research in the field of Islamic studies and related areas.

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

This program aims to discuss various topics of Islam that integrate proportional and theoretical methods that have developed in the modern academic study of Islam. Such as: Qur'anic Science, Hadith, Da'wah, Law, Comparative Religion, Banking and Morality, etc. The educational objectives of the program are to-

PEO 1 : Acquaint knowledge in the field of Islamic education with a comparative analysis to meet the needs of society and increase their confidence level in the future working place;

PEO 2 : Emphasize receiving and interpreting information, expressing ideas and sharing knowledge with diverse audiences and show resilience, proactively and an ability to make principled decisions in various spheres.

PEO 3 : Build communication and collaborative relations with individuals and groups in the development of society through the formation of moral character in the light of Islam;

PEO 4 : achieve creative skills in the field of study to recognize a role for themselves in creating a sustainable future and be able to consider the social, cultural, environmental and economical consequences of national and international issues by critical analysis.

PEO 5 : Ensure quality in teaching and emphasize the role of Islamic studies in Muslim and international communities in general by comparative analysis.; use the necessary learning skills in information management and apply effective strategies for life long self-improvement.

PEO 6 : Prepare students to carry out scientific research in the field of Islamic Studies according to the standards of quality assurance; enhance the culture of continuous research in related fields.

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

The Program Learning Outcomes of BA (Hons) in Islamic Studies are to:

PLO 1 : Acquire comprehensive, knowledge and critical understanding of the subject area, the ability to engage with different traditions of thought, and the ability to apply their knowledge in practice including in multi-disciplinary or multi-professional contexts.

PLO 2 : Compare various subjects of Islam with conventional thoughts and Linking to the Islamic ethical issues of society.

PLO 3 : Able effective problem-solvers, able to apply critical, creative and evidence-based thinking to conceive innovative responses to future challenges

PLO 4 : Convey ideas and information effectively to a range of audiences for a variety of purposes and contribute in a positive and collaborative manner to achieving common goals

PLO 5 : Engage in professional behavior and have the potential to be entrepreneurial and take leadership roles in their chosen occupations or careers and communities

PLO 6 : Be a responsible and effective global citizen for living, learning and working in a digital society with personal values and practices; receive and provide constructive feedback for actions with honesty, awareness, flexibility, resilience and reflective attitude.

PLO 7 : Understand research methodology; demonstrate specific research skills to present their ideas, find gaps effectively in the relevant fields and must provide solutions to the existing problems.

Mapping Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs) with University Mission (MOUs)

Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs) MOU 1 MOU 2 MOU 3

Mapping Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) with the Mission of the Program Offering Entity (MOPs):

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) MOP 1 MOP 2 MOP 3 MOP 4

Mapping Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) with the Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) PEO 1 PEO 2 PEO 3 PEO 4 PEO 5 PEO 6

Mapping Courses with the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

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Guideline For Student

Marks Distribution

Particulars Marks
Class Attendance + Class Performance 5%
Class Test + Assignment 10%
Mid Term Examination 25%
Semester Final Examination 50%
Viva Voce 10%
Total 100%

Admission Requirements (Undergraduate)

Structure of the Curriculum

Duration of the Program

Years: 4 (Four)

Semesters: 8 (Eight)

Admission Requirements

Students can be admitted to the BA (Hons) in Islamic Studies program if they have obtained a minimum CGPA of 2.50 at both the S.S.C./Dakhil and H.S.C./Alim or equivalent examination levels separately or a total of 6.0 points across both levels, with a minimum of 2.0 in one level, as per UGC regulations. Candidates will be selected for admission based on a written test and a viva voce. Admission tests are conducted by the School, Department, or the university. Students with a gap in their studies may also apply, provided they obtain qualifying marks in the admission test.

Minimum credit requirement to complete the program: 144 Credits

Total class weeks in a Year/semester:

The duration of a semester is six months, including class, mid-term and term final examinations. The duration of a semester is as follows:

Theory and Practical Classes 14 weeks
Mid-Term Examination 3 weeks
Semester Final Examination 4 weeks
Total 21 weeks

Minimum CGPA requirement for graduation: CGPA 2.0

Maximum academic years of completion: (4+3) = 7 Years

Admission Requirements (Graduate)

Master of Arts in Islamic Studies (2 years)

Structure of the Curriculum

Duration of the Program

Years: 2 (Two)

Semesters: 4 (Four)

Admission Requirements

Students seeking admission must have a 3-Year bachelor degree in any discipline and 4-year bachelor degree other than Islamic Studies from any recognized University at home or abroad. Over and above all candidates seeking admission must sit for an admission test and a Viva voce and must attain qualifying marks for the purpose. The final decision for admission will be taken by the authority in consideration with all the indicators mentioned above.

Total minimum credit requirement to complete the program: 77 Credits.

Total class weeks in a Year/semester:

The duration of a semester is six months including class tests, mid-term and term final examinations. The duration of a semester is as follows:

Theory and Practical Classes 14 weeks
Mid-Term Examination 3 weeks
Semester Final Examination 4 weeks
Total 21 weeks

Minimum CGPA requirement for graduation: CGPA 2.0

Maximum academic years of completion: (2+1) = 3 Years

MA in Islamic Studies (1 Year)

Structure of the Curriculum

Duration of the Program

Years: 1 (One)

Semesters: 2 (Two)

Admission Requirements

Students seeking admission must have a 4-Year bachelor degree in Islamic Studies from any recognized University at home or abroad. Over and above all candidates seeking admission must sit for an admission test and a Viva voce and must attain qualifying marks for the purpose. The final decision for admission will be taken by the authority in consideration with all the indicators mentioned above.

Total minimum credit requirement to complete the program: 41 Credits.

Total class weeks in a semester:

The duration of a semester is six months including class tests, mid-term and term final examinations. The duration of a semester as follows:

Theory and Practical Classes 14 weeks
Mid-Term Examination 3 weeks
Semester Final Examination 4 weeks
Total 21 weeks

Minimum CGPA requirement for graduation: CGPA 2.0

Maximum academic years of completion: (2+1) = 3 Years

Contact For Admission

Hotline: 01872607360-69

Apply Online: Click here for online application

Category of Courses

Courses of Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Islamic Studies

Total General Education Courses: 12

1. Language and ICT-related Courses

SL No Course Code & No. Course Title Credit Hours
1. BAN0232126 Bangla Language and Literature 3
2. ENG0231216 English Language 3
3. CSE0611415 Information and Communication Technology 3

2. General Education related Courses

SL No Course Code & No. Course Title Credit Hours
1. GED0220115 History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh
2. GED0222125 Bangladesh Studies 3
3. GED0311215 Principles of Economics 3
4. GED0231226 Arabic Language
5. GED0413315 Management and Organizational Behavior 3
6. GED0314316 Basics in Sociology 3
7. GED0314325 Social Welfare 3
8. GED0312326 Political Science 3
9. GED0313416 Basics in Psychology 3

3. Total Core courses (Courses that characterize the discipline): 35

SL No Course Code & No. Course Title Credit Hours
1. IS0221111 Introduction to Islam 3
2. IS0221112 Sciences of Al-Quran 3
3. IS0221113 Sciences of Al-Hadith 3
4. IS0221114 Principles of Iman 3
5. IS0221121 History of the Prophets in the Qur`an 3
6. IS0221122 Introduction to Islamic Da'wah 3
7. IS0221123 Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence 3
8. IS0221124 Islamic Economics 3
9. IS0221211 Sirah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) 3
10. IS0221212 Islamic Jurisprudence-I 3
11. IS0221213 Methodology of Islamic Da'wah 3
12. IS0221214 Islamic Banking 3
13. IS0221221 Islamic History (Khulafa-e-Rashida to Usmani Khilafat) 3
14. IS0221222 Islamic Insurance 3
15. IS0221223 Islamic Culture and Civilization 3
16. IS0221224 Comparative Study of Religion-I 3
17. IS0221225 Management of Zakat and Ushr 3
18. IS0221311 Contribution of Sahaba and Tabe`en 3
19. IS0221312 Islamic Jurisprudence-II 3
20. IS0221313 Comparative Study of Religion-II 3
21. IS0221314 Ethics in Islam 3
22. IS0221321 Study of Al-Hadith 3
22. IS0221321 Study of Al-Hadith 3
23. IS0221322 Scientific Indications in the Qur`an 3
24. IS0221323 Islamic Law and Judiciary 3
25. IS0221324 Contemporary Muslim World 3
26. IS0221411 Study of Al-Tafsir 3
27. IS0221412 Muslim Philosophy 3
28. IS0221413 Study of Modern Intellectual Thoughts 3
29. IS0221414 Human Resource Development in Islam 3
30. IS0221421 Ilm-Al-Kalam 3
31. IS0221422 International Relation in Islam 3
32. IS0221423 Environment and Health Protection in Islam 3
33. IS0221424 Politics and Administration in Islam 3
34. IS0221425 Muslim Contribution to Science and Technology 3
35. IS0221426 Media and Communication in Islam 3

Course Designation and Numbering System

Each Course is designated by a designation including the following code:

  • All Course numbers will have 7 (Seven) digits.
  • Departmental courses will begin with IS followed by a 7- digit number.
  • Bangla language-related courses will begin with BAN followed by a 7-digit number.
  • English language-related courses will begin with ENG followed by a 7-digit number.
  • Computer Science-related courses will begin with CSE followed by a 7-digit number.
  • General education-related courses will begin with GED followed by a 7-digit number.

Description of digits:

Course Code & No: IS0221111

  • 1st four numeric digits-subject code according to BNQF
  • 5th digit– Year
  • 6th digit – Semester
  • 7th digit-Course Number.

Example IS-0221-1-1-1- Introduction to Islam

  • IS→ indicate course designation or course code
  • 0221→Indicate subject code according to BNQF
  • 1→indicate year
  • 1→indicate semester
  • 1→indicate course serial number
  • Introduction to Islam → indicate course title

Semester wise distribution of courses

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Semester wise distribution of courses View

Courses of Masters of Arts in Islamic Studies (2 years)

Total General Education Courses: 12

1. General Education Courses: 03

SL No Course Code & No. Course Title Credit Hours
1. GED0222522 Contemporary Muslim World 3
2. GED0421625 Human Rights 3
3. GED0542626 Research Methodology 3

2. Core courses (Courses that characterize the discipline): 22

SL No Course Code & No. Course Title Credit Hours
1. IS0221511 Introduction to Islam 3
2. IS0221512 Sciences of Al Qur`an 3
3. IS0221513 Sciences of Al-Hadith 3
4. IS0221514 Sirah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
5. IS0221515 Methodology of Islamic Da'wah 3
6. IS0221516 Islamic Law and Judiciary 3
7. IS0221521 Islamic Culture and Civilization 3
8. IS0221523 Ethics in Islam 3
9. IS0221524 Comparative Religion 3
10. IS0221525 Environment and Health Protection in Islam 3
11. IS0221526 Islamic Banking and Insurance 3
12. IS0221611 Al Tafsir 3
13. IS0221612 Scientific Indication in the Qur`an and Hadith 3
14. IS0221613 Family Life in Islam 3
15. IS0221614 Schools of Muslim Thoughts 3
16. IS0221615 Social Systems in Islam 3
17. IS0221616 Political Science in the Quran and Sunnah 3
18. IS0221621 Al Hadith 3
19. IS0221622 Comparative Fiqh and Textual Analysis 3
20. IS0221623 Comparative Study of Islamic and Modern Economic Systems 3
21. IS0221624 Tazkia-E-Nafs 3
22. IS0221627 Or IS0221628 History of Tafsir and Hadith Literature Or Thesis 3

3. Thesis: 03 credits

4. Viva-voce: 02

Course Designation and Numbering System

Each Course is designated by a designation including the following code:

  • All Course numbers will have 7 (Seven) digits
  • Departmental courses will begin with IS followed by a 7- digit number
  • General Education related courses will begin GED followed by a 7- digit number

Description of digits:

Course Code & No: IS0221511

  • 1st four numeric digits-subject code according to BNQF
  • 5th digit– Year
  • 6th digit – Semester
  • 7th digit-Course Number.

Example IS-0221-1-1-1- Introduction to Islam

  • IS→ indicate course designation or course code
  • 0221→Indicate subject code according to BNQF
  • 1→indicate year
  • 1→indicate semester
  • 1→indicate course serial number
  • Introduction to Islam → indicate course title

Semester wise distribution of courses

Title Details
Semester wise distribution of courses View

Courses of Masters of Arts in Islamic Studies (1 year)

1. General Education Courses: 02

SL No Course Code & No. Course Title Credit Hours
1. GED0421625 Human Rights 3
2. GED0542626 Research Methodology 3

2. Core courses (Courses that characterize the discipline): 11

SL No Course Code & No. Course Title Credit Hours
1. IS0221611 Al Tafsir 3
2. IS0221612 Scientific Indication in the Qur`an and Hadith 3
3. IS0221613 Family Life in Islam 3
4. IS0221615 Schools of Muslim Thoughts
5. IS0221615 Social Systems in Islam 3
6. IS0221616 Political Science in the Quran and Sunnah 3
7. IS0221621 Al Hadith 3
8. IS0221622 Comparative Fiqh and Textual Analysis 3
9. IS0221623 Comparative Study of Islamic and Modern Economic Systems 3
10. IS0221624 Tazkia-E-Nafs 3
11. IS0221627 or IS0221629 Islamic Banking and Insurance 3
12. IS0221611 History of Tafsir and Hadith Literature or Thesis 3

3. Thesis: 03 credits

4. Viva-voce: 02

Course Designation and Numbering System

Each Course is designated by a designation including the following code:

  • All Course numbers will have 7 (Seven) digits
  • Departmental courses will begin with IS followed by a 7- digit number
  • General Education related courses will begin GED followed by a 7- digit number

Description of digits:

Course Code & No: IS0221511

  • 1st four numeric digits-subject code according to BNQF
  • 5th digit– Year
  • 6th digit – Semester
  • 7th digit-Course Number.

Example IS-0221-1-1-1- Introduction to Islam

  • IS→ indicate course designation or course code
  • 0221→Indicate subject code according to BNQF
  • 1→indicate year
  • 1→indicate semester
  • 1→indicate course serial number
  • Introduction to Islam → indicate course title

Semester wise distribution of courses

Title Details
Semester wise distribution of courses View

Research Projects

Projects: In Progress or Ongoing
Sl No. Name of Research Project Name of Project Manager Number of Project
1 বাংলাদেশে ইসলামী দা‘ওয়াহ কার্যক্রম পরিচালনায় গণমাধ্যমের ভূমিকা Dr. Aunopama Afroz, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Islamic Studies, Uttara University 1

Research Areas

  • Human Rights
  • Islamic Dawah
  • Islamic Economics
  • Islamic Law
  • And Others


Title Details
Thesis Forms Example View

Advisors List

Title Details
Mentor List View

Departmental Committees

PSAC Committee

SL No. Name & Designation Responsibility
1 Professor Dr. Aunopama Afroz
Assistant Professor
2 Dr. Mostafa Kabir Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
3 Md. Emran

Curriculum & Syllabus Committee

SL No. Name & Designation Responsibility
1 Professor Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Patwarey
Dept. of Islamic Studies
Uttara University
2 Dr. Aunopama Afroz
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Islamic Studies
Uttara University
Member Secretary
3 Dr. Mostafa Kabir Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Islamic Studies
Uttara University
4 Dr. Mohammad Shafiqur Rahman
Dept. of Islamic Studies
Uttara University
External Expert Member
5 Dr. Md. Abdul Kader
Dept. of Da’wah & Islamic Studies
Islamic University, Kushtia
External Expert Member

Alumni Advising Committee

SL No. Name & Designation Responsibility
1 Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Patwarey
2 Dr. Aunopama Afroz
Assistant Professor
Member Secretary
3 Dr. Mostafa Kabir Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
4 Muhammad Atiqur Rahman
Assistant Professor
5 Md. Emran

Examination Committee

SL No. Name & Designation Responsibility
1 Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Patwarey
2 Dr. Mostafa Kabir Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
3 Muhammad Atiqur Rahman
Assistant Professor

Question Moderation Committee

SL No. Name & Designation Responsibility
1 Professor Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Patwarey
2 Dr. Mostafa Kabir Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
3 Muhammad Atiqur Rahman
Assistant Professor

Curriculum & Syllabus Committee

SL No. Name & Designation Responsibility
1 Professor Dr. Md. Abul Kalam Patwarey
2 Dr. Mostafa Kabir Siddiqui
Assistant Professor
3 Muhammad Atiqur Rahman
Assistant Professor

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    Staff of Islamic Studies Department

    Main Campus

    Holding 77, Beribadh Road, Turag, Uttara, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh

    Mobile: 01872607358, 01872607369
    Phone: 58952280, 58951116, 58955794
