Department of Mathematics

Chairman's Message

The objective of the Department of Mathematics at Uttara University is to transform students into competent and motivated professionals with a solid knowledge of mathematics. It is my pleasure to introduce the Department of Mathematics, which is a vital department playing an important role in basic sciences, especially in engineering, technology, business economics, and architecture.

The study of mathematics encourages intellectual growth, rational thought, originality, and abstract thinking.

The Department of Mathematics offers two programs: (i) B.Sc. (Hons) and (ii) M.Sc. (Final & Two Years).

The Department has also initiated the "Math Club of UU," where students are given the opportunity to exhibit their mathematical genius and computational skills.

Dr. Shahansha Khan

Professor and Chairman

Department Of Mathematics

Department Overview

The Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science and Engineering at Uttara University, is a thriving community of highly dedicated faculty members, diligent researchers, and devoted students who share a passion for mathematics.

The Mathematics Department of Uttara University began its academic journey in 2006, with the first M.Sc. (Final) program starting in the same year. The Department offers B.Sc. (Hons) and M.Sc. (1- and 2-Year) programs.

The Department consists of eight highly qualified faculty members who are committed to providing the best education. These faculty members are actively involved in research and various projects.

The Department is well aware of the global demand for mathematics. Through its past and present efforts, it is clear that the Department is committed to achieving excellence in higher education and research.


We would make our graduates proficient in Mathematics and leading members of society. The values that would guide our strategies in terms of Excellence in learning, Integrity of character, Innovation in spirit and Leadership in actions.


The mission of the Department of Education is to -

M1 : To prepare our students to develop as skilled workers in society.

M2 : Our graduates must develop the attitude and ability to apply Mathematical methods and ideas to real-world problems.

M3 : To provide professional services based on our diverse mathematical and statistical expertise to the scientific, technical and educational community.

M4 : To prepare students for careers in education, business, industry or governance.


The Department of Mathematics of the School of Science and Engineering of Uttara University prepares students to provide both individual attention and a broad spectrum of experiences. Excellent instruction applies outside the classroom with hands-on projects, including research opportunities.

Medium of Instruction

Uttara University offers all the courses of study primarily in English. Teachers provide instruction to students in the classroom in English. English is also widely used as a medium of communication among the faculties, students, and administrative officials.

Academic Programs


1. Master of Science in Mathematics (2-year)

2. Master of Science in Mathematics (Final)


1. Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics

Description of the Program

Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics

The B.Sc. (Honours) in Mathematics is a 145-credit-hour program consisting of 51 courses, including a project/thesis, lab work, and a viva voce. The program encompasses general education, research core, and foundation, with a concentration on major areas of study and over four years of full-time project/thesis work. The program can be completed in 8 (eight) semesters (4 years).

Graduate Attributes

Graduate attributes are the unique qualities, skills & understandings that enable students to gain their own experiences, approaches, and voice through proper learning and experiences from their degree (academic courses) and co-curricular activities. The graduates of B.Sc. (Honours) in Mathematics program will have:

  • Ability to apply knowledge of basic science and engineering fundamentals.
  • Ability to apply creative, imaginative, and innovative thinking and ideas to problem-solving.
  • Expectation of the need for lifelong learning and the capacity to do so.
  • Practical and contemporary knowledge of relevant professional, ethical, and legal frameworks.
  • Ability to manage personal performance to meet expectations and demonstrate drive, determination, and accountability.

Educational Objectives of the Program

Our graduate will be able to after graduation:

PEO1: Work with students to foster an understanding of core mathematical and scientific concepts, supporting student learning at the foundational level of science and mathematics.

PEO2: Establish partnerships between faculty, students, and others to enhance awareness of the importance of mathematics in developing analytical and critical thinking skills throughout the program.

PEO3: Develop scientific methods and mathematical reasoning as tools for problem-solving and engagement in the research process.

PEO4: Prepare students to apply mathematical and scientific reasoning skills in their academic and professional careers while promoting dynamic and interactive leadership among students.

PEO5: Contribute to the department through publications, presentations, and other forms of intellectual activities. The department strongly encourages continued efforts in these ventures and supports faculty and students in attending, presenting, and organising regional, national, and international conferences.

PEO6: Aim to develop this department as a centre of excellence for learning and research.

Program Learning Outcomes

To prepare students for a successful professional and personal life, the B.Sc. (Honours) in Mathematics program is designed to produce graduates who, at the time of graduation, will have the ability to:

PLO 1: Read, write, and construct correct mathematical problems, while learning diverse perspectives and deepening conceptual understanding through interaction with students from different disciplines.

PLO 2: Formulate and analyze mathematical problems, precisely define key terms, draw clear and reasonable conclusions, and comprehend high levels of abstraction in the study of pure and applied mathematics.

PLO 3: Explain the importance of mathematics and its techniques in solving real-life problems, understanding the limitations of such techniques, and the validity of the results by using different standard software to solve mathematical problems.

PLO 4: Apply their knowledge in modern industry or teaching or secure acceptance into high-quality graduate programs in mathematics and other fields such as engineering, medical science, government, education, quantitative/mathematical finance, mathematical computing, statistics, physics, sociology, etc.

PLO 5: Develop computational skills, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities.

PLO 6: Acquire mathematical knowledge and skills appropriate for professional activities, demonstrate the highest standards of ethics in mathematics, and explore options in fundamental research in pure and applied mathematics, computational mathematics, and mathematics education.

Mapping the Mission of the University With the Mission of the Department

Missions of the Program Offering Entity (MPOEs) MOU1 MOU2 MOU3

Mapping PEOs with the Mission of Program Offering Entity (MPOEs)

PEOs M1 M2 M3 M4

Mapping of PLOs with the PEOs


Mapping Courses With the Plos

Title Details
Mapping courses with the PLOs View

Guideline For Student

Marks Distribution

Particulars Marks
Class Attendance + Class Performance 5%
Class Test + Assignment 10%
Mid Term Examination 25%
Semester Final Examination 50%
Viva Voce 10%
Total 100%

Admission Requirements (Undergraduate)

Structure of the Curriculum

a) Duration of the Program: Years: 4 Semesters: 8

b) Admission Requirements: A student who has passed the S.S.C. and H.S.C. examinations in the science group or holds an equivalent degree/diploma with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in each examination may be admitted to the program according to the rules of the university.

c) Total Minimum Credit Requirement to Complete the Program: Students will have to complete the full 4-year course of 145 credit hours.

d) Total Class weeks in a Semester: The duration of a semester is six months including class tests, mid-term and term final examinations. The duration of a semester is arranged as follows:

Theory and Practical Classes 14 weeks
Mid-Term Examination 2 weeks
Semester Final Examination 3 weeks
Total 19 weeks

There shall be two examinations, i.e., the Mid-Term and the Semester Final Examinations. The Semester Final Examination will be held at the end of each semester to complete the course for that semester.

e) Minimum CGPA requirement for Under graduation: CGPA 2.0

f) Maximum Academic Year of Completion: (4+3) 7 Years

g) Category of Courses:

  1. General Education Courses: 12 (36 Credits)
  2. Core Courses: 23 (69 Credits)
  3. Elective Offered Course: 12 (36 Credits)
  4. Project/Thesis Course: 01 (3 Credits equivalent to 1 Course)
  5. Viva voce: 04 (4 Credits)

36+69+ (36 or 33+Project) +4 = 145 Credits

Admission Requirements (Graduate)

Admission Eligibility

A student should have at least second division or minimum GPA 2.5 in both SSC & HSC or equivalent examinations
A minimum GPA 2.00 in SSC or HSC or in equivalent examinations, but total GPA not less than 6.00
A student should have five subjects in “O” Level and 2 subjects in “A” Level. Out of these seven subjects in these two examinations, Grade B or GPA 4.0 in any four subjects and Grade C or GPA 3.5 in other three subjects

For the children of Freedom Fighters: A minimum total GPA 5.00 in SSC and HSC or in equivalent examinations.

Required Documents during Admission

  • All Academic Certificates in original and photocopies
  • All Mark Sheets/Transcripts in original and photocopies
  • Three copies of colored passport size photograph
  • One copy of colored stamp size photograph

Contact For Admission

Hotline: 01872607360-69

Apply Online: Click here for online application

Category of Courses

General Education (GED) Courses

Code Course Title Credit Hours
STA0542113 Statistics-I 3
PHY0533114 Mechanics, Properties of matter and waves 3
BAN0231115 Bengali Language & Literature 3
CSE0611116 Fundamentals of Computer Technique 3
TA0542123 Statistics-II 3
PHY0533124 Heat, Thermodynamics and Optics 3
CSE0611125 Computer Programming-I 3
STA0542213 Statistics-III 3
ENG0231215 Basic English 3
GED0222216 Bangladesh Studies 3
CSE0611226 Computer Programming-II 3
CSE0611326 Computer Programming-III 3
Subtotal = 12 Courses 36

Core Courses

Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAT0541111 Fundamentals of Mathematics 3
MAT0541112 Calculus-I 3
MAT0541121 Calculus-II 3
MAT0541122 Analytical Geometry-I 3
MAT0541211 Analytical Geometry-II 3
MAT0541212 Vector and Tensor Analysis 3
MAT0541214 Linear Algebra 3
MAT0541221 Calculus-III 3
MAT0541222 Real Analysis-I 3
MAT0541223 Mathematical Programming-I 3
MAT0541224 Discrete Mathematics 3
MAT0541225 Ordinary Differential Equations 3
MAT0541311 Real Analysis-II 3
MAT0541312 Mathematical Programming-II 3
MAT0541313 Complex Analysis 3
MAT0541314 Abstract Algebra 3
MAT0541315 Numerical Analysis-I 3
MAT0541316 Hydrodynamics 3
MAT0541321 Real Analysis-III 3
MAT0541322 Mechanics 3
MAT0541323 General Topology 3
MAT0541324 Mathematical Methods 3
MAT0541325 Numerical Analysis-II 3
Total 23 Courses 69

Elective Courses

Code Course Title Credit Hours
MAT0541401 Functional Analysis 3
MAT0541402 Differential Geometry 3
MAT0541403 Theory of Groups 3
MAT0541404 Fuzzy Mathematics 3
MAT0541405 Operations Research-I 3
MAT0541406 Operations Research-II 3
MAT0541407 Fluid Dynamics-I 3
MAT0541408 Fluid Dynamics-II 3
MAT0541409 Measure Theory 3
MAT0541410 Classical Mechanics 3
MAT0541411 Partial Differential Equations-I 3
MAT0541412 Partial Differential Equations-II 3
MAT0541413 Special Theory of Relativity 3
MAT0541414 General Theory of Relativity 3
MAT0541415 Mathematical Modeling in Biology 3
Project/Thesis (MAT0541490) 01 (3 Credits and it is equivalent to 1 course)
Viva Voce 04 (4Credits) (MAT0541199, MAT0541299, MAT0541399, MAT0541499)

9 Course Designation and Numbering System

Each course is designated by a designation including the following code:

  • All course numbers will have 7 (Seven) digits.
  • Departmental courses will begin with MAT, followed by a 7-digit number.
  • Computer Science-related courses will begin with CSE and will be followed by a 7-digit number.
  • English language-related courses will begin with ENG followed by a 7-digit number.
  • Physics-related courses will begin with PHY and end with 7-digit numbers.
  • Bengali-related courses will begin with BAN followed by 7-digit numbers.
  • Statistics-related courses will begin with STA followed by a 7-digit number.
  • Description of digits:
    • 1st four numeric digits- Subject code according to BNQF (detailed field)
    • 5th digit- Year
    • 6th digit- Semester number
    • 7th digit- Course number (Note: MAT0541490 indicate Project/Thesis and MAT0541199, MAT0541299, MAT0541399, MAT0541499 indicate Viva Voce)

Semester wise distribution of courses

There will be two semesters in each academic year namely (Semester-I, January to June & Semester-II, July to December).

Semester wise courses distribution for BSc (Honours) in Mathematics Program

Title Details
Semester wise distribution of courses View

Student Advising List

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Mentor List View

Mathematics Co-Curricular Clubs List

Mathematics Club

Join fellow enthusiasts to explore diverse programming languages, paradigms, and problem-solving techniques through workshops, coding challenges, and collaborative projects.

Departmental Committees

Planning and Development (P&D) Committee

SL No. Role Name Title
1 Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
2 Convener S.M. Kamal Hossain Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
3 Members Dr. Nurul Alom Khan Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
4 Dr. Moqbul Hossain Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
5 Dr. Amirul Islam Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics

Quality & IEB Accreditation Cell (QIAC)

SL No. Role Name Title
1 Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
2 Convener Dr. Amirul Islam Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
3 Member-Secretary S.M. Kamal Hossain Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
4 Team Members Nazmun Nahar Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics
5 Md. Abdul Mannan Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
6 Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain Professor, Dept. of Mathematics

Financial Committee

SL No. Role Name Title
1 Convener Dr. Shahansha Khan Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
2 Member Secretary S.M. Kamal Hossain Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
3 Team Members Nazmun Nahar Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics
6 Members All Faculty Members of the Dept. of Mathematics

Examination Committee

Name Title
Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan (Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Coordinator S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Exam – Chair Dr. Shahansha Khan (Associate Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member-Secretary Dr. Amirul Islam (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Members Dr. Moqbul Hossain (Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Result Scrutiny Sub-Committee Convener Dr. Shahansha Khan (Associate Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member-Secretary S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member Nazmun Nahar (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics)
Exam Routine Sub-Committee Convener Dr. Shahansha Khan (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member-Secretary S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member Dr. Amirul Islam (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member Nazmun Nahar (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member Md. Abdul Mannan (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Question Moderation Sub-Committee Convener Dr. Shahansha Khan (Associate Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member-Secretary S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
Member Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain (Dept. of Mathematics)
Member Dr. Amirul Islam (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)

Curriculum & Syllabus Committee

Role Name Title
Convener Dr. Shahansha Khan Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics
External Members Prof. Dr. Rezaul Karim Dept. of Mathematics, Jagannath University, Dhaka. External Member, Outcome Based Curriculum (OBE) Committee, Department of Mathematics, Uttara University
Prof. Dr. Mahtab Uddin Dept. of Mathematics, Jahangirnagar University, External Member, Outcome Based Curriculum (OBE) Committee, Department of Mathematics, Uttara University
Members Dr. Nurul Alom Khan Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain Dept. of Mathematics
Dr. Amirul Islam Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
Nazmun Nahar Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics
Md. Abdul Mannan Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
Member-Secretary S.M. Kamal Hossain Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics

Course Allocation & Load Distribution

Role Name Title
Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics
Coordinator S.M. Kamal Hossain Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics
Convener Dr. Nurul Alom Khan Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
Member-Secretary Dr. Amirul Islam Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics
Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain Dept. of Mathematics
Nazmun Nahar Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics
Md. Abdul Mannan Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics

Credit Transfer Committee

Sl Title Name
1 The Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan (Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics)
2 Coordinator S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics)
3 Convener Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain (Dept. of Mathematics)
4 Member-Secretary S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics)
5 Member Nazmun Nahar (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics)
Dr. Amirul Islam (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)

Class Routine Committee

1 Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan (Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics)
2 Coordinator S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics)
3 Convener Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain (Dept. of Mathematics)
4 Member-Secretary S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics)
5 Members Nazmun Nahar (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics)
6 Md. Abdul Mannan (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
7 Dr. Amirul Islam (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)

Event Management Committee

1 Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan (Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics)
2 Coordinator S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics)
3 Convener Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain (Dept. of Mathematics)
4 Member-Secretary Nazmun Nahar (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics)
5 Members Dr. Amirul Islam (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
6 Md. Abdul Mannan (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)

Project/Thesis Supervision Committee

1 Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan (Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics)
2 Coordinator S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics)
3 Convener Dr. Nurul Alom Khan (Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
4 Member-Secretary Dr. Amirul Islam (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
5 Member Md. Abdul Mannan (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
6 Nazmun Nahar (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics)

Promotional Activities (PA)

1 Chairman Dr. Shahansha Khan (Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics)
2 Coordinator S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics)
3 Convener (PA) Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain (Dept. of Mathematics)
4 Member-Secretary (PA) Nazmun Nahar (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics)
5 Member (PA) Md. Abdul Mannan (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
6 Dr. Amirul Islam (Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)
7 Md. Helal Uddin (Section Officer, Dept. of Mathematics)

Disciplinary Committee

1 Chairman & Convener Dr. Shahansha Khan (Professor and Chairman, Department of Mathematics)
2 Members S.M. Kamal Hossain (Associate Professor & Coordinator, Dept. of Mathematics)
3 Prof. Dr. Moqbul Hossain (Dept. of Mathematics)
4 Nazmun Nahar (Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics)
5 Md. Abdul Mannan (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics)

Research Projects

Projects: In Progress or Ongoing
Sl No. Name of Research Project Name of Project Manager Number of Project
1 i) Mathematical Model of an LR-Circuit Problem And Solution By Laplace Transform Method.
ii) An Investigation in the population growth rate of Dhaka City using Logistic Population Model
Dr. Shahansha Khan, Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Mathematics, Uttara University 2
2 A study of the “SIR Model” and its application to transmission of Dengue fever S.M. Kamal Hossain, Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Uttara University 1
3 Analytical and Numerical study of some higher-order nonlinear partial differential equations. Dr. Amirul Islam, Associate Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Uttara University 1
4 Numerical study of some nonlinear boundary value problems (BVPs) with efficient numerical Methods. Nazmun Nahar, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mathematics, Uttara University 1

Research Areas

Dr. Shahansha Khan
  • Differential equation with modeling
  • Operation Research
  • Inventory Modeling
  • Fractional Differential Equation
S.M. Kamal Hossain
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Partial Differential Equation (PDE)
  • Mathematical Modeling in Biology
Dr. Amirul Islam
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Finite Element Method (FEM)
  • Partial Differential Equation (PDE)
  • Stochastic Optimization
  • Inventory Model
Nazmun Nahar
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Finite Element Method (FEM)


Title Details
Thesis Forms Example View

Lab Facilities

Computer Programming Practice Lab

Sharpen algorithmic mathematical problem-solving skills through competitive programming challenges, fostering quick thinking and efficient coding practices.

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    Staff of Mathematics Department

    Main Campus

    Holding 77, Beribadh Road, Turag, Uttara, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh
    Phone: 02 48957261, 02 48957316, 02 58953325
    Mobile: 01872607363, 65, 66, 69
