Fintech Research Group [FRG]


Formation of “FinTech Research Group (FRG)” of Uttara University UU Academic Council – Dec 2023

1. Definition


A plan to implement a research cell at UU with the status of a center. FRG: ‘Fintech Research Group (FRG)’, will be the name of the center.


A term that merges the concepts of "technology" and "finance" to facilitate the integration of technological advancements into the finance industry.


The core concept or prophecy that accomplishes the deliverables from the center.


The aim and goal of the proposed center are to engage in quality research work and output with UU affiliation.


Actions taken by the center for the betterment of Uttara University.


The possible arrangements of the center with Human Resources for different parts/sections/cells/divisions.


A diagram that shows the structure of the center and the relationships and relative ranks of its parts and positions/jobs.


Principal Investigator of the Center


The Co-Principal Investigator from the respective school/department/division/office.


Internal & External Advisors of the FRG as relevant.


The positions of each post initially have a duration of two years, as proposed in the structure/organogram.

2. About FRG

A center, namely the "Fintech Research Group (FRG)," is centrally proposed with the purpose of enhancing the research endeavours of faculties and students, motivating and encouraging them to participate in inventive and creative technical pursuits, and ultimately facilitating the integration of the creativity and innovation of next-generation technological advancements into the finance sector while promoting a more organised and systematic approach to research.

3. Vision

“Bringing Technological Advancements into Finance”

4. Objective & Key Functions

Note: It should be noted that objectives and essential functions are subject to change throughout the process of continuous development.

5. Structure and Organogram of FinTech Research Group (FRG)

The proposed structure and organogram of the FRG are subject to modification or enhancement at the authority's discretion. The Higher Authority of UU will appoint the PI and Co-PI for a specified duration (two years, subject to renewal with the requisite quality factors), whereas the department heads will select the administrators following consultation with the center.

5.1. Strategic Rules, Regulations and Role of the Designated Post:
5.1.1. PI & Co-PI (s):

PI will report to the Vice-Chancellor & Pro Vice-Chancellor for all the work activities. PI and Co-PI will be assigned with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.

5.1.2. Advisory Panel/ Board:

Advisors should be nominated by the PI with the approval of VC/ Pro-VC.

5.2. Extraordinary Circumstances:

The Academic Council may create extraordinary circumstances without any prior notice and may change the constitution, organogram, policies or assigned post if deemed necessary with appropriate reason.

5.1.2. Advisory Panel/ Board:

Advisors should be nominated by the PI with the approval of VC/ Pro-VC.

6. Budget and Funding:

After the successful formation of FRG, the PI and their team will provide a proposed plan of activities and budget for the next two years to the authority within two months of its formation. Also, it is advisable and expected that FRG always look for external funding sources with the proper guidance and assistance from the Higher Authority of the University.
