Office of the Controller of Examinations

Mohammad Ali

Controller of Examinations

Uttara University

Office of the Controller of Examinations

The Office of the Controller of Examinations at Uttara University is entrusted with the responsibility of overseeing the university's examination processes with precision and diligence. Our office is deeply dedicated to maintaining the utmost levels of integrity and credibility in academic assessments through its rigorous pursuit of fairness, transparency, and accuracy.

Our primary goal is to establish a comprehensive and fair assessment framework that confidently empowers students to showcase their expertise, abilities, and competencies. Our office is committed to the development, implementation, and evaluation of examinations that effectively gauge the progress of students' learning while maintaining the academic integrity of Uttara University.

The Office of the Controller of Examinations is entrusted with a wide range of primary duties, including organising examinations, coordinating invigilation, and processing results. We diligently strive to guarantee the seamless and effective execution of examinations, adhering to established protocols and regulations to protect the assessment process's integrity and security.

Moreover, in an effort to foster academic integrity and honesty among students, faculty, and staff, our office is dedicated to this end. An abundance of stringent protocols are in place to deter academic dishonesty and plagiarism, among other transgressions; this promotes an environment of ethical conduct and academic integrity throughout the university community.

The Office of the Controller of Examinations offers assistance and direction to faculty and students regarding examinations, grading policies, and academic regulations, in addition to its examination-related duties. Assisting in disseminating comprehensive examination policies and prerequisites to all university community members, we endeavour to establish ourselves as a reliable authority on information and support. Additionally, the Office also processes original transcripts and certificates which have security features enabled to verify authenticity.


  • Examination Management
  • Publication of Result
  • ICT Management
  • Preservation of Documents
  • Office Management
  • Meeting Arrangement
  • Communication & Monitoring
  • Dispatch
  • Security of Documents

Most Key Activities

  • Results Scrutiny, Tabulation, Publication and Delivery.
  • Convocation Arrangement.
  • Issue Certificate, Transcript of both total & partial, Migration & MOI Certificate, Various Testimonials.
  • Verification of Result, Certificate, Transcript and other relevant documents (Online/Offline).
  • Provide and Secured Preservation of exam answer scripts & other confidential materials.

Examinations Policy and Guidelines

General Guidelines to be followed during Examinations:

  • Exams should be conducted in the assigned room and must start on time.
  • Students must bring Admit Card and report to the exam hall at least 10 minutes before the exam starts.
  • No students will be allowed to enter the examination hall after half an hour after the commencement of the examination, and none will be allowed to leave before the expiry of one hour since the start.
  • Students are not allowed to bring any notes, books or any other materials into the examination hall.
  • The use of mobile phones, smart watches or other electronic devices is not permitted.
  • The University follows a zero-tolerance policy in case of examination offence of any nature.
  • At the end of the examination, the invigilators instruct students to stop writing. Students must remain seated at their desks until all examination scripts have been collected by invigilators/faculty and they are instructed that they may have leave.
  • Invigilators are not permitted to use mobile phones during the exams.

Grading Policy and Guidelines

1. Grading scale:

Uttara University follows UGC’s Grading Scale. The grade will be assigned based on the overall evaluation of a student’s performance after the semester's final examination, mid-term tests, case studies, tutorial tests, term papers, assignments, presentations, and class attendance. Grade points (GP) are determined by the course teacher. The final result is prepared by Calculating the grade point average (CGPA) over the course. The Uniform Grading Scale of UGC is given below.

Numerical Grade Letter Grade Grade Point
80-100 A+ 4.00
75-79 A 3.75
70-74 A- 3.50
65-69 B+ 3.25
60-64 B 3.00
55-59 B- 2.75
50-54 C+ 2.50
45-49 C 2.25
40-44 D 2.00
00-39 F 0.00
2. Grades:

UGC’s uniform grading scale shows numerical grades, letter grade and grade points. Letter grades corresponding to numerical scores are A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, D and Fail, depending on student performance in the course.

3. Grade Point Average (GPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA):

Grade Point Average (GPA) is an average grade calculated after the semester examination, and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the overall average of all courses calculated after the program final examination.

4. Course Withdrawal (W):

If a registered student wants to withdraw from the semester by dropping all courses or withdrawing from one or more courses, s/he must apply to the Dean/Chairman for permission within the deadlines. The Dean/Chairman may allow such withdrawal only under convincing reasons such as severe or prolonged illness, death of parents, etc. Such students must follow detailed rules and regulations in the Manual.

5. Incomplete (I) courses:

If a student completes some requirements of a course exam but fails to attend the Mid-term or Final exam or if a student cannot submit a project report/term paper, s/he may apply to the Chairman of the department for an incomplete grade explaining the reason for missing the mid-term or final exams or others. The Chairman may allow the student to sit for the incomplete exam if the reason is acceptable. For any incomplete course, the course teacher will assign an incomplete grade, which is recorded as `I’ on the final grade sheet. Such a student is permitted to complete an incomplete mid-term exam within the next semester and a final exam within the next semester on the makeup date announced by the department. In case of failure, such students must follow the rules and regulations mentioned in the Manual prepared for conducting examinations.

6. Retake:

A student earning an “F” grade in a course or a GPA of 2.00 may retake courses. Moreover, students failing to attend the makeup examination after getting I or accused of adopting unfair means in an exam can retake courses.

7. Grade Improvement:

A student may choose to improve the grade if s/he earns grade points 3.00 or less by retaking the course. This type of Retake is dependent on the willingness of the students.

8. Course Dropout:

Those students who, after admission, attend a few classes and those who, after admission, do not attend classes and never come back are considered course dropouts.

Information about the Document Withdrawal

Sl Types of Document Withdrawal & Fees Requirement Probable days of delivery from the office of the Controller of Examinations
1 Provisional Certificate with Transcript & Testimonial
Fee: 2000.00 taka
  • Must have completed the degree requirement.
  • Must have clearance of Library, Accounts office and Admission & Registration Record Unit.
07 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery of Provisional certificate & Transcript.
2 Original Certificate
Convocation fee has to be paid
  • Must have completed the degree requirement.
  • Must have clearance of Library, Accounts office and Admission & Registration Record Unit (applicable for those who have not withdrawn Provisional Certificate).
  • Must have withdrawn Provisional Certificate and Transcript. (applicable for those who have withdrawn Provisional Certificate).
  • Convocation has to be completed for the concern student.
  • Must return convocation materials (applicable for those who attended the convocation).
07 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery of Original certificate.
3 Duplicate Original /Provisional Certificate/Transcript
Fee: Duplicate Certificate 1000.00 taka & Duplicate Transcript 700.00 taka
  • Must have withdrawn Provisional /Original Certificate /Transcript.
  • Application along with Original copy of GD., Original Newspaper clipping of advertisement for lost certificate (N.B.: Advertisement should be published in a National Daily Newspaper).
07 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery of Duplicate Original/Provisional certificate /Transcript.
4 2nd Copy Transcript
Fee: 700.00 taka
  • Must have withdrawn Transcript.
  • Application along with photocopy of the transcript.
05 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery of 2nd Copy Transcript.
5 Partial Transcript
Fee: 500.00 taka
Must have clearance of Department, Exam office, Accounts office and Admission & Registration Record Unit. 05 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery Partial Transcript.
6 Correction of Certificate/ Transcript
Fee: Certificate 1000.00 taka & Transcript 700.00 taka
  • Must have clearance Accounts office.
  • Application along with photocopy of the SSC certificate.
  • Submit the certificate/transcript/both in which name is incorrect
07 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery of Correction of Certificate/ Transcript.
7 Migration Certificate
Fee: 400.00 taka
  • Must have clearance Accounts office.
  • Submit the Photocopy of last Academic Certificate which acquired by this university.
02 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery Migration Certificate.
8 Medium of instruction (MoI)
Fee: 300.00 taka
  • Must have clearance Accounts office.
  • Submit the Photocopy of last Academic Certificate which acquired by this university (applicable for those who have complete graduation).
  • Submit the Photocopy of SSC Certificate (applicable for those who have not complete graduation).
02 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery Medium of instruction.
9 Testimonial (Miscellaneous)
Fee: 300.00 taka
  • Must have clearance Accounts office.
  • Submit the Photocopy of last Academic Certificate which acquired by this university.
02 working days
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery Testimonial (Miscellaneous).
9 Documents Verify
Fee: 100.00 taka per document
  • Must have clearance Accounts office.
01 working day
Delivery token must be surrendered at the time of taking delivery Documents Verify.

Officials of Controller of Examinations

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