
“IEEE UU Student Branch” successfully organized an industrial tour to “Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd.”, Chandra, Gazipur, Dhaka on 27th November 2019. Walton Hi-Tech Industries Ltd. is the one and only manufacturer of multi-staged Refrigerator, Freezer, Air Conditioner, Television and Motorcycle technology and is treated as one of the sophisticated manufacturing plant in Bangladesh and South Asia. The students visited the Television, Mobile, Compressor, Refrigerator & Air Conditioner units where they observed the complete manufacturing process of electronic appliances. The faculties of this team also visited the Research & Development laboratories of Walton to exchange and share knowledge on modern technologies related to different fields where Walton contributing best effort to make our country self sufficient. The tour was led by the Prof. Dr. Kazi Khairul Islam(Professor-EEE & Dean-SSE). Other senior faculty members Dr. Md. Shahriar Sabuktagin, (Associate Professor, EEE), Dr. A. H. M. Saifullah Sadi(Associate Professor & Coordinator-CSE), Md. Delwar Hossen(Assistant Professor & Coordinator-EEE), Md. Kamruzzaman (IEEEUU Branch Counselor, Assistant Professor & Coordinator-EEE), Md. Amanat Ullah (Senior Lecturer-CSE), Md. Masud Rana Shaikh (Lecturer-EEE), Md. Shahriar Kabir (Lecturer-EEE) were actively observed all technical process of manufacturing and quality control. In this tour, 20 IEEE-student-Members and 20 non-IEEE members from department of EEE and department of CSE were participated and actively observed all technical process of Television, Compressor, Refrigerator & Air Conditioner manufacturing. The delegates of Walton presented a power-point presentation regarding their production procedures and many aspects of technology and business in Bangladesh. Later the students were taken to the different plants where they found how the company produces their prominent products with ultra modern machineries. The senior officials and engineers of Walton Group, specially Md. Kaisarul Islam(First Sr. Deputy Director, Deputy of Administration Dept.) made the students well informed regarding all the technical processes involved in the manufacturing of their products such TV, AC, Fridge, Mobile, Laptop, Compressor, etc. After the lunch, the tour ended with a short visit in ultra modern laboratories of Walton and a “closing session”, where some nice souvenir was handed over to all UU faculties from “Walton Group”, Both the organizations express their interest in further collaboration regarding knowledge sharing, training and employment. All the faculty members and the students of Uttara University were very pleased for the hospitality and co-operation from the Walton company. In addition, “IEEE UU Student Branch” and dept. of EEE Uttara University, are very thankful, to Md. Kaisarul Islam(First Sr. Deputy Director, Deputy of Administration Dept.), Mohammad Mohasin Sarder (Sr. Deputy Director) for arranging this tour and their excellent support.