Office of Student Affairs


The Office of Student Affairs (OSA) at Uttara University envisions an inclusive and culturally plus academically vibrant university environment, supported by the academic and personal well-being of its students. Its motto would be unity in diversity. OSA is committed to:

  • Fostering a grand academic culture;
  • Assisting students in achieving their academic goals;
  • Encouraging leadership and social responsibility;
  • Promoting equity in all interactions within the university;
  • Enculturing cultural events congruent to national sensibilities; and
  • Promoting students' physical and mental health through guidance, counseling, seminars, facilities, and outside resources.


  • Responsiveness to students’ needs;
  • Solicitude for the welfare of students and humanity;
  • Collaboration of talent and resources with internal and community partners; and Respect for all, regardless of gender, religion, class, orientation, or creed.
  • Nourishment of endangered national culture while maintaining sensibilities for the global culture.
  • Extra care and sensibilities for socially vulnerable groups like transgenders, physically challenged people, ethnic minorities, etc.


  • Academic and personal advising;
  • Career Counseling;
  • Organizing educational and well-being workshops and seminars;
  • Organizing cultural and extracurricular events;
  • Coordinating with faculty advisors, administration, and proctors for conflict investigation;
  • Moderating club activities with a central goal;
  • Representing students during disciplinary proceedings;
  • Planning and executing UU orientation day;

Club Activities

All the clubs, including extra-curricular, co-curricular, and departmental, will be supervised by OSA. However, departmental clubs can work independently and arrange program(s) as required. However, departmental clubs must be inclusive regarding member recruitment from other departments (s).

Student Clubs & Societies

1. Film & Photography Club

Capture and create visual stories through the lens of your camera. join a community passionate about bringing narratives to life through the magic of images and motion.

2. Club for Performing Arts

Explore your passion for performing arts through various creative expressions. Think of this club as your all-access pass to a creative wonderland, where you can belt out tunes, dance your heart out, step into different characters, experience the magic of theater, and weave captivating tales through recitation! It's your artistic playground of endless possibilities!

3. Happiness & Well-being Club

Step into the Happiness and Wellbeing Club – where smiles are our currency, and self-care is our secret handshake. Join us in crafting moments of joy, laughter, and inner peace. Together, let's turn each day into a masterpiece of well-being!

4. Debate Club

Step into the Debate Club – where words duel, ideas dance, and everyone's voice gets a front-row seat. Join the conversation, spark your opinions, and turn every discussion into a lively one! Sharpen your communication skills by engaging in debates.

5. Reading Club

The Reading Club is a literary haven where book enthusiasts come together to explore captivating stories, engage in thought-provoking discussions, and embark on journeys that transcend the pages. Join us in fostering a community of avid readers, discovering new perspectives, and celebrating the magic of words.

6. Heritage Club

Celebrate and preserve the cultural heritage of our community. The Heritage Club is a cultural tapestry weaving together the threads of ethnic heritage and the rich tapestry of our natural legacy. Join us in this all-inclusive community where the past and present converge, celebrating the diverse mosaic of our cultural and environmental heritage.

7. Blood Donors' Club

Join the Blood Donors Club – where heroism flows in every drop! Be part of a community that transforms compassion into lifesaving elixirs; be a blood donor and lifesaver!

8. Social Services Club

Step into the heart of altruism with the Social Services Club, where compassion and action converge. Join us in a vibrant community dedicated to positively impacting our local and global community. Let's turn empathy into action and create ripples of change in the world.

9. Sports Club

The Sports Club is your dynamic arena for both outdoor and indoor games, fostering a vibrant community of athletes. From the thrill of cricket, football, and volleyball under the open sky to the strategic battles of table tennis and carrom indoors, join us in embracing a healthy and spirited lifestyle through the joy of sports.

10. Wanderlust Club

Embark on exciting journeys and explore the spirit of adventure. In this club, envision journeys beyond imagination - trekking, beach hiking, running marathons, exploring Mother Nature, and many more. It's all part of the enchanting spectrum offered by the Wanderlust Club!

11. Environment & SDG Club

Officials of Student Affairs

Employee Image
Dr. Shah Ahmed


PhD, International Islamic University Malaysia

Master of Arts, University of Chittagong

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Dr. Md Faruk Hossain

Associate Director

PhD, Universiti Utara Malaysia

Masters, Universiti Utara Malaysia

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Generic placeholder image
Sinha Afrin Titli

Assistant Officer

Bachelor of Arts, North South University

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Address: OSA Office, Ground Floor


Timing: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM and by appointment

Rules & Procedures for UU Student Clubs


UU believes that co-curricular and extracurricular activities accomplished in a non-political and non-discriminatory environment are essential to the learning process and the development of a well-rounded individual. Through such initiatives, the UU students acquire ethical values and organizational skills that prepare them for challenges beyond the limits of the classroom and prepare them to become successful leaders of tomorrow.

Therefore, UU has always encouraged the activities of Student Clubs that provide an enriching university experience for all students.

The goals of these clubs include:

  1. To create leadership in diverse areas
  2. To uphold the university mission and vision through club activities
  3. To render services to the relevant communities

For the smooth functioning of all club activities, the following rules, regulations, and procedures shall be followed by all the Student Clubs of UI-J.

Title and Implementation

  1. These Rules shall be called "UU Rules for Student Clubs".
  2. These Rules shall apply to all UU clubs from 01/01/2025


These Rules shall apply to all Student Clubs and all Faculty Advisors appointed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.


The following definitions will apply unless clarified with a statement in the subject or context:

Full Form Abbreviation Definitions
Vice-Chancellor VC The Vice-Chancellor of Uttara University ( UU)
Pro- Vice-Chancellor Pro-VC The Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Uttara University ( UU)
Director of Student Affairs D.OSA The Director of Student Affairs of Uttara University( UU)
Associate Director of Student Affairs The Associate Director of Student Affairs of Uttara University ( UU)
Student Club(s) Co-curricular clubs,
Extra-curricular clubs,
Student Chapters,
Associations, and any other student body.
Faculty Advisor The full-time faculty member appointed by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor as the focal person for student clubs

1. Student Clubs and Organizational Structure for Club Activities

Co-curricular and extracurricular activities are vital for educational institutions, especially in providing students with opportunities to shape their futures. With that in mind, skills development has been embedded in academic programs and extracurricular activities at Uttara University ( UU). The Cafeteria & Recreation Center, Boys Lounge, and other prominent locations on campus remain busy throughout the year with programs and events organized by various university student bodies. The UU Multi-purpose hall, with its advanced technological support, is a prominent venue for students' activities.

In addition to regular extracurricular and co-curricular activities, the student clubs have a history of providing voluntary services to UU and the community whenever necessary. In addition to that, the members of student clubs have been performing their duties as ushers and volunteers for various events, such as — the convocation, student and faculty orientation programs, various national events, cultural festivals, etc.

UU has 12 student clubs at present.

1.1. Formation of Clubs

Clubs are a student organization joined by a common interest and may only be established under the following conditions:

a) Extra-curricular Club: A club aims to provide a cultural, athletic, intellectual, and social environment that benefits its members as well as the Uttara University community by enhancing the university experience through non-commercial activities

b) Co-curricular Club: Clubs associated with an established department, school, institute, program, or division of UU may only be established such that the Clubs aim to provide an academic and social environment related to the field of study of the respective academic area and cannot be to give a representative function. (Under Respective Department)

c) Student Chapters and Associations: They provide unique networking opportunities, mentoring, and bonding over shared interests. They provide support both within the student community and to local communities outside of the institution.

1.2. Structure and Organization of Club Events

The Pro-Vice-Chancellor of UU will approve the programs/events following the Events Calendar. The concerned student club will place the event proposal accompanied by a budget incorporated into the Event Calendar and subsequently placed before the concerned authority for financial approval. However, the Vice-Chancellor shall provide the final approval for events.

1.3. Abolishing of an Existing Club

A Student Club will be rendered "inactive" if it fails to organize any events/ activities during a six-month period. An "inactive" club will not receive any support from the university until it regains the "active" status.

2. Appointment, Eligibility, and Roles

2.1. Role of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor

Student club activities will be recommended by the Faculty Advisors of various student clubs and vetted by the Director, Student Affairs, before the Pro-Vice-Chancellor grants final approval.

2.2. Role of the Director of Student Affairs

2.2.1. The Director of Student Affairs appointed by the Vice-Chancellor, will coordinate activities of all Student Clubs. After receiving the proposals for the events/programs from the Faculty Advisor of the student clubs, The Director of Student Affairs will evaluate the proposal, and the expenses and assess the logistics before recommending the Event to the Pro-VC.

2.2.2. The Director of Student Affairs will ensure that each Club has a Faculty Advisor, and he/she is also authorized to accept the resignation of the Faculty Advisor(s) of Student Club(s). S/he may suggest changes to club proposals in consultation with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.

2.2.3. The Director of Student Affairs will recommend the disbursement of funds after the budget approval for all Student Club events and programs and will be the initial arbiter of all issues and concems related töclub activities. In case of an emergency, or as required, The Director of Student Affairs may call Pro-Vice-Chancellor or any concerned person to discuss or discharge various activities of student clubs.

2.3. Role of the Associate Director of Student Affairs

2.3.1. The Associate Director of Student Affairs provides guidance and support to students facing academic, personal, or social challenges, ensuring their well-being and promoting a healthy campus environment.

2.3.2. They are responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating student activities and programs that enhance student engagement, leadership development, and community involvement.

2.3.3. The Associate Director collaborates with faculty, administration, and student organizations to advocate for student needs and interests, ensuring that their voices are heard in university decision-making processes.

These roles contribute to creating a supportive and vibrant student community within the university.

2.4. Role of the Faculty Advisor of a Student Club

2.4.1. A full-time faculty member of UU will be selected as the Faculty Advisor of the Student Club to appoint the appropriate authority of UU.

2.4.2. The Faculty Advisor is the focal point of the student club who will facilitate various club activities. The Executive Body members and other members of student clubs will carry out their activities under the direct supervisiÖn of the Faculty Advisor. The Faculty Advisor will make all the financial transactions and correspondences regarding club events and issues of the Club.

2.4.3. The tenure of a Faculty Advisor will be for two years, which may be extended if deemed appropriate by the UU authority. After completing the term of a Faculty Advisor, a new Faculty Advisor will be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor through the recommendation of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and the Director of Student Affairs. In the case of extracurricular Clubs, respective Department Chairs will be consulted. If any Faculty Advisor resigns before completing his or her tenure, he/she should submit the resignation letter to the Pro-VC. However, until a new Faculty Advisor is appointed, the incumbent Faculty Advisor will continue to perform all duties related to club activities.

2.4.4. In case of an emergency, the incumbent Faculty Advisor may hand over the charges for the interim period to any faculty member except the Chairman of the department or the Director of the program.

2.4.5. If any Faculty Advisor goes on leave or cannot carry out the charges due to sickness or unavoidable circumstances, s/he may also hand over the charges for a specified interim period to any faculty member by following the same procedure as stated in point '3 1 above.

2.4.6. The Faculty Advisor will strictly supervise all the activities of the EB and other Student Club members so that they do not participate in any activities beyond their jurisdiction. If needed, the Faculty Advisor and EB members of the Student Club may discuss relevant Club-related issues with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Director of Student Affairs.

2.4.7. The role of a Faculty Advisor is voluntary and is in addition to the regular academic commitments of a UU faculty. This role will, therefore, be evaluated with high regard as a service to the university. Faculty Advisors of the Student Clubs will be invited to the Fellowship Meeting with the UU authority each semester to discuss and maintain a friendly atmosphere for academic learning and market-focused skill development.

2.4.8. After the conclusion of a club event/ program, the Faculty Advisor will submit a report in the recommended format to the Director of Student Affairs within a week.

2.4.9. Faculty Advisors will be responsible for any other task assigned by the Director of Student Affairs, especially university-wide events.

2.5. Eligibility Criteria for Faculty Advisors

2.5.1. Lecturers or Senior Lecturers may be appointed as Faculty Advisors of Student Clubs. During the selection of a Faculty Advisor of a Co-curricular Club, the Department Chair of the concerned discipline will be consulted to streamline operations.

The Office of Student Affairs at Uttara University supports the university's mission of producing competent graduates in their selected fields through enriching the overall student experience and learning environment. The Office of Student Affairs also directs and assists all Student Clubs and is responsible for dealing with non-academic and non-disciplinary student issues.

3. The Office of Student Affairs

3.1. Activities of the Office of Student Affairs

The concerned Officers of the Office of Student Affairs will look after the daily activities of all the Student Clubs and will carry out their assigned roles under the direct supervision of the Director of Student Affairs.

The responsibilities of the Office of Student Affairs will include:

  • Maintaining coordination among Student Clubs activities to avoid any conflict of interest and prioritize their needs.
  • Scrutinizing event proposals and verifying availability of funds before a proposal from a Student Club is submitted to the Director of Student Affairs for approval.
  • Assisting the Faculty Advisor of Student Club(s) and others members to organize and inaugurate different events of Student Clubs and to prepare the budget for approved events/programs.
  • Assisting in writing memos, reports, and preparing writings of different banners, posters, etc., for various national and combined events organized by UU and student clubs.
  • Providing support for organizing overseas student activities in the different venues of the UU Campus.
  • Providing support in organizing different National Events, Cultural Programs and Combined Events, such as — Victory Day, International Mother Language Day, Independence Day, Pahela Falgun, Pahela Baishakh, Rabindra-Nazrul Joyonti, Club Fair, Annual Doa Mahfil, etc.
  • Providing support in organizing different National Events, Cultural Programs and Combined Events, such as — Victory Day, International Mother Language Day, Independence Day, Pahela Falgun, Pahela Baishakh, Rabindra-Nazrul Joyonti, Club Fair, Annual Doa Mahfil, etc.
  • Providing support to various university events such as — the Convocation Ceremony, Orientation Programs, Seminars, Symposiums, Workshops, etc., organized by UI-J.
  • Preparing the Events Calendar of all student clubs based on the fiscal year and maintain the Club and other activities in compliance with the different venues and dates. Keeping an updated list of the focal points of Student Clubs, including change of the Faculty Advisor(s) and Executive Member(s) of Student Clubs.
  • Preparing the Minutes of the Meetings of Student Clubs to uphold the rules/procedures with amendments as decided by the UU authority.
  • Providing support for the publication of Annual Magazine, Brochures, Catalog, Reports, etc., of Student Clubs.
  • Maintaining cooperation with students of different universities, educational institutions, and visitors of various organizations concerning extracurricular activities.
  • Processing and keeping files of student clubs, different clubs of clubs, and confidential records/ correspondences.
  • Monitoring and visiting different venues for organizing the Event (s) related to the extra and co-curricular activities and acting according to the Faculty Advisor of Student Clubs, Proctor's Office, and the Security Office.
  • Being responsible for any other tasks assigned by the Director of Student Affairs and the higher of the university.

4. Membership of Student Clubs

To become a member of any Student Club, a student has to apply in the prescribed application form to the concerned Faculty Advisor of the Student Club.

No Student can be a member of more than I(one) club at a time. Students who are on probation (as verified from the Registrar's Office) will cease to be a member of all Student clubs during his/her probation.

4.1. Types of Club Membership

There are three categories of club ffEmbétship. Please consult the table below for the definitions and requirements: For maintaining in updated record, the Faculty Advisor of the respective Club should send the list of the Executive Body or any changes to the Executive Body within three working days of the change.

Sl. Type of Membership Definition Applicable to Required Documentation
1. Probationary Member The newly recruited student will be on probation for two consecutive semesters to be evaluated to become a core member. Current Students 1. Application form
2. UU ID and NID
3. Mailing Address with contact number and email
4. Blood Group
5. UU Unofficial Transcript
2. Core/ Regular Member after completing the probationary period, a student may be confirmed as a Core Member or regular Member of the club based on their gular participation in rious events, camaraderie, and education to club activities. Current Students 1. Application form UU Unofficial Transcript
2. Recommendation from the Faculty Advisor through the EBs.
3. Executive Body Member With Excellent academic record and good track record of extra-curricular activities any student can be a member of the executive body. Current Students 1. Application form UU Unofficial Transcript
2. Recommendation from the Faculty Advisor through the EBs.
4.2. Alumni Member List

The Office of External Affairs will maintain an updated list of the Alumni Members in associator with the EB of the related Club. A copy of the same will be provided to the Security Office and Office of the Student Affairs to avoid any complications at the time of entering in the university campus to participate in an event by or for the Alumni Members (subject to approval by UU authority).

4.3. CGPA Requirement for Club Members

To become a member of a Student Club, a student must maintain a CGPA of preferably 3.25 and not less than 3.00

To ensure high standards in leadership, the CGPA of an EB member and all appointed office bearers must be above 3.25.

4.4. Formation of the Executive Body of the Student Clubs

Each Club will have a committee consisting of a President, Secretary/Treasurer, and Three (3) General Members. The Committee (i.e., Executive Body) will serve a one-year term. An office-bearer of the Club must maintain a CGPA of 3.00 or above.

The same criteria may be applicable for the other members except in some exceptional cases approved by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor through the recommendation of the Faculty Advisor and the Director of Student Affairs. The special cases may apply only to extraordinary cases, including (but not limited to) talented musicians, theatre performers, athletes, chess players, etc.

However, this will not apply to students under academic probation. Executive Body Members will receive certificates for their services after the successful completion of their tenure.

4.5. Sub-committee(S)

In addition to EB Members, Sub Committee(s) may be formed among the core members of the Club to encourage the newly recruited core members and develop future leadership. The tenure of a Subcommittee will be for the duration of a specific event.

As required, a Sub Committee member may be selected among the most dedicated regular members. The EB Members may recommend names to the Faculty Advisor for approval.

4.6. Succession Ceremony of Clubs Student

Succession ceremonies of all the Student Clubs must be completed by April/May of the fiscal year. The new Committee (i.e., Executive Body Members of Student Clubs) may place their budget for the new fiscal year. The incoming Committee of all the Student Clubs will commence their activities from July 1 of the fiscal year.

After the formation of the Executive Body, if any member is found to be absent for more than three weeks, the next ranking Member(s) of the Executive Body will be given his/her official position. In this regard, the issue may be settled under the Faculty Advisor of the Concerned Student Club and the Director of Student Affairs.

As per practice, the Faculty Advisor of the concerned Club will form the new Executive Body in consultation with the outgoing President and other EB Members of the Club. If there is any confusion or conflict while creating the new EB panel, the Faculty Advisor may discuss the Director of Student Affairs issue.

If necessary, steps may be taken by the concerned Faculty Advisor to resolve this issue through a voting process under the guidance of the Director of Student Affairs.

After completing the succession ceremony, the Faculty Advisor of the concerned Club will send an updated list with student IDs, phone numbers, email, and mailing addresses to the Director of Student Affairs with a copy to the Student Affairs Officer. The Faculty Advisor will send the same updated list to the Registrar's Office to check and verify the EB members' CGPA and other relevant information.

5. Events Calendar

To maintain smooth operations of the Student Club events, a yearly Events Calendar will be prepared by the Office of Student Affairs. The Student Clubs will follow the Events Calendar to release funds and allocate budget among the Student Clubs in consultation with the Faculty Advisors and Executive Body Members of the Student Clubs.

5.1. Submission of an Event Proposal

All Student Club activities will function under the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the Director of Student Affairs, and the direct supervision of the respective Faculty Advisor of the respective Student Club. The Faculty Advisor will submit the event proposals and the budget to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor through the Director of Student Affairs for approval.

There will be three events, one major Event and two minor events for each Student Club. At the time of organizing the Event, the concerned Club must get the approval of the competent authority. If an event is to be considered, it must be entered into the event calendar within the deadline.

5.2. Rescheduling the Events Calendar

Student Club events may be rescheduled, canceled, or amended in the Events Calendar due to adjustments in the Academic Calendar or due to other external yet unavoidable circumstances. All Student Club events are subject to the approval of the UU authority.

6. Event Guidelines for Student Clubs

6.1. Number of Student Club Events

6.1.1. Each Club will hold up to 4 (four) events in a fiscal year, of which there can be 1 (one) Major Event and 3 (three) Minor Events. During the submission of the budget, the concerned Club will have to mention the events described above.

6.1.2. Succession, recruitment, and publication of the club magazine, brochure, etc., will be treated as the routine activities of the Student Clubs. The clubs will have to maintain the schedule through the Event Calendar.

6.1.3. Student Clubs may be permitted by the authority to organize national and combined events (i.e., Annual Doa Mahfil, Annual Picnic, Club Fair, etc.) on exceptional grounds. The concerned clubs will not take any initiative in organizing such events without prior approval from the UU authority.

6.2. Approval for Student Club Event(S)

Before organizing any programs events or promotional activities, the Club must take the approval of the Event from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor and the Director of Student Affairs to avoid any conflicts of interest.

6.3. National/ Special/ University-wide Events

Uttara University will centrally organize some events, including (but not limited to) the Convocation Ceremony, Student and Faculty Orientation Programs, Seminars, Symposiums, Public Talks, etc.

In addition, all the National Events will be centrally organized by Uttara University. Before organizing such event(s), approval must be taken from the Office of Student Affairs.

The National Events are as follows:

  • 1. The Intellectual Martyrs Day (December 14)
  • 2. Victory Day (December 16)
  • 3. Boshonto Utshob (13th February)
  • 4. The International Mother Language Day (February 21)
  • 5. Independence and National Day (March 26)
  • 6. Pahela Boishakh or Bangla Naboborsho (14' April)
  • 7. Annual Doa Mahfil followed by lftar (During the holy month of Ramadan)
6.4. Participation in the National/ Special Events

UU will organize all the central events in association with the UU administration, academic departments, and co-curricular and extracurricular Student Clubs. Participation of all Student Clubs in these events is mandatory.

6.5. Non-student Club Events

The following will not be considered as Student Club events

  • 1. UU Annual Picnic
  • 10. Events Outside UU Premises 2. Sports events (National)
  • 3. Academic field trips, study tours, or any excursions or outings organized by academic departments.
6.6. Restrictions on Student Clubs

The Faculty Advisors and EBs of all Student Clubs are advised not to arrange flower bouquets and crests for UU Officials, including the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Deans, and others.

The Faculty Advisors and EBs of all Student Clubs are strictly advised not to print any invitation cards for UU BOT Members, VC, Pro-VC, Academic Deans, and other UU Officials at the time of organizing minor events.

6.7. Guest Protocol All UU Events

The UU authority directs the Student Clubs to prioritize the protocol and reception of Chief Guests, Special Guests, and other dignified guests at all UU events.

Student Clubs and others MUST maintain the prescribed protocol for the reception of Chief Guests and other guests to avoid any inconvenience due to short notice or inadequate preparation of the Student Clubs. The Prescribed Guest Protocols are as follows:

  • All concerned UU officials and security personnel must be briefed regarding the status and the guests' positions (such as Ministers, State Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Senior Secretary and Secretary of the various Ministries, Ambassadors, High Commissioners, and any other dignitaries).
  • The concerned Faculty Advisor of the Student Club must inform the Proctor's Office, Executive Director (Administration), Project Director, Director (O&M), Director (Public Relations), Director (IT), Chief of Security, Sr. Student Affairs Officer, and others regarding support from the Proctor's Office, Security, Administration and Logistics, Media Coverage, IT and other relevant offices. As required, the concerned Student Club may seek assistance from other student clubs(s), and departments(s) in consultation with the Director of Student Affairs.
  • If any club invites a Minister, State Minister, Deputy Minister, Sr. Secretary, Secretary of the different Ministries, Ambassadors, High Commissioners, and/ or other national and international dignitaries and guests, permission must be taken from the UU authority, beginning with the Director of Student Affairs through the Faculty Advisor of the concerned Club. The same procedure must be followed by other departments/offices depending on the Event.
6.8. Guidelines for Volunteers and Ushers

The Director of Student Affairs or the Academic Heads of the Departments may take the initiative to provide student volunteers for Student Club and University-Wide events. Volunteers will carry out their assigned tasks under the supervision of the Assistant Proctors or designated Faculty Members and the Security office. The Proctor or Departments Chairs or Deans (s) may set any Assistant Proctors or Faculty Member(s) as needed.

The following guidelines will be applicable to all event volunteers and ushers and the reception/ protocol team members:

  1. The concerned Club will be expected to provide quality flower bouquets, crests, souvenirs, etc., for the guests in consultation with the Administrative/Academic Heads or the higher authority.
  2. The main table will be set up one hour before the Event by the club organizers in consultation with relevant offices.
  3. The reception/protocol team must assign trained members/ ushers to accompany the Chief Guests, Special Guests, Honorable Members of the BOT of LJU, and other dignitaries at the time of their arrival and departure.
  4. The protocol team MUST coordinate with the venue to distribute refreshments (i.e., snacks, lunch, dinner, etc.) and escort guests to and from the venue as required.
  5. The protocol team MUST ensure that flower bouquets, crests, souvenir items, food/refreshment boxes, etc., presented to the guests have been sent to the secretary, personal attendant, protocol officers, security staff, and drivers(s) of the Guests(s).
  6. The protocol team MUST take necessary steps to distribute food/refreshments . among the staff, and drivers, of the guests and security personnel on time.
6.9. Removal of Promotional Items

All promotional material displayed within the UU campus by Student Clubs will need to be removed by the concerned Club immediately or soon after the completion of the Event. Any item not removed after two working days of completing the Event shall be destroyed by the Security Office without prejudice, and the Club can make no further claims.

7. Other Guidelines and Restrictions regarding University Events

Here are some guidelines that Club Members must follow before/while organizing an event at Uttara University.

7.1. Preparatory Meeting

Before organizing the event/program, a Preparatory Meeting must be held with the Faculty Advisor and the members(s) of the Executive Body of the Student Clubs. Administrative personnel may also be invited to attend the meeting to discuss any vital issues related to the Event.

7.2. Administrative and Logistical Support

When administrative and logistical support is required for a Student Club event, somebody must consult the Proctor, Executive Director (Administration), Project Director, Director (O&M), Security Office, or any other concerned office at least 7 (seven) working days before the Event.

7.3. Proctorial and Security Support

When organizing an event, all Student Clubs will have to maintain the proper security measures to avoid any unwarranted incident. The security office will take steps(s) in this regard and, when necessary, in consultation with the Executive Director (Administration). If needed, someone must consult the Proctor, Assistant Proctors(s), Director of Student Affairs, and others.

If needed, the *Proctor may assign Assistant Proctors (s) to provide additional support to ensure the overall security of the Student Club events.

7.4. Administrative and Logistical Support

For the student clubs that require IT support during an event, the EB must place their request through the Faculty Advisor to the Director (IT) immediately after receiving approval of the Event.

7.5. Media Coverage and Pr Support

Student clubs that require media coverage of an event must place their request to the Director (PR) immediately after receiving approval of the Event.

7.6. Use of Digital Display Board for Event Promotion

During the events of Student Clubs, Digital Display Boards may be used for promotional activities (subject to approval). The director (IT) and Director (Public relations) may be informed of the Club's requirement regarding the digital display boards immediately after receiving the formal approval of the relevant authority.

7.7. Guidelines for Transport, Conveyance, and Stationary Cost

When submitting the budget, the Student Clubs (s) MUST include all expenses of the Event, including transportation, conveyance, and stationery.

7.8. Publication of Annual Club Magazine/ Brochure

A Magazine/Brochure may be published as an Annual Report of all the Student Club activities during a fiscal year. There will be a separate budget for the publication of such an issue with a sufficient number of copies to be distributed among the various student clubs.

8. Planning and Budgeting of Student Club Events

The Faculty Advisors of the Concerned Student Clubs(s) will submit the program/event proposal along with a realistic budget for the release of funds(s) to the Pro-Vice-Chancellor through the Director of Student Affairs at least 4 (four) weeks ahead of the event/program. The Student Club must consult the Events Calendar before submitting a proposal for their Event.

The event proposal must contain the following sections:

  • The objective of the Event
  • Title of the Event
  • Description, Venue, Proposed Guestlist (minimum three names for each category)
  • The Event's predicted value and outcome for the university
  • A proposed realistic budget.
8.1. Timely Submission of the Event Proposal

To streamline the activities of Student Clubs, the Faculty Advisor (s) and EB Members of the concerned Student Clubs (s) must organize their Event following the Event Calendar and submit a realistic budget for the specific events on time.

No event will be considered after the expiry of the stipulated schedule of the Event in the Events Calendar without any valid reason.

8.2. Submission of a Cost-effective Budget

The Faculty Advisor of the Student Club and others are advised to submit a cost-effective budget. The following recommendations should be considered while preparing the budget.

  • Preparing the budget with minimal decoration since UU premises is well equipped as a venue. For additional decoration, permission has to be taken from UI-J authority by showing reasonable ground. Consider cutting costs of events using fewer LED screens, digital banners, lighting, sound systems, etc.
  • Considering avoiding Lunch and Dinner. On the other hand, refreshments may be arranged at a very minimum cost
8.3. Submission of Names of the Guests for Pre-approval

Before the final selection of the Chief Guest, Special Guest, and Guests of Honor, three names for each category must be submitted to the UU authority. After confirmation of the guests(s), the concerned Club will invite them as per the standard practice of UI-J.

For an invitation to a Minister or equivalent, a letter needs to be sent from the Vice-Chancellor.

8.4. Invitation Card and Printing Materials

No Invitation Cards and Printing Materials such as — banners, brochures, magazines, catalogs, etc., will be published without the approval of the UU authority.

A draft of the invitation card, banner, magazine, catalog, brochure, etc., may please be placed before the EBI's authority for confirmation/proofreading through the faculty Advisor.

8.5. Sponsorship

Sponsorship of any club activity needs to be approved by the UU authority beforehand. To raise the funds from the sponsor, the following issues will be considered:

  1. The necessity of the sponsorship
  2. Ethical issues related to the sponsorship
  3. Misheandling sponsorships (s) by the Students or Clubs Executives

Mishandling sponsorships (s) by the During the submission of the proposal for sponsorship money, the concerned Club must submit the confirmation letters(s) from sponsors(s) and the specification of sponsorship money.

Funds(s) collected from sponsors(s) must be deposited to the UU Accounts by a/c payee check.

8.6. Sponsorship Restriction

As per the direction of the higher authority, food, tobacco, and education consultancy firms are to be avoided sponsors at UU events.

8.7. Sponsorship With Permission of the Higher Authority of UU

The following guidelines must be maintained for all sponsors who have been approved by the UU authority.

  1. A list of sponsors should be submitted to the UU Authority for pre-approval before considering them for sponsorship money.
  2. The confirmation of the sponsorship amount and a confirmation letter with sponsorship details shall be submitted to UU by the sponsors or vendors.
8.8. Adjustment of the Payment

Immediately after completion of the Event, all financial adjustments against the expenses of the Event must be sent to the Finance and Accounts department within one week of completion of the Event. Without previous adjustments, no further funds will be disbursed.

9. Checklist for Events

9.1. Seating Arrangement

As per the criteria of the tasks, the concerned officers or staff members of the Operation and Maintenance Department will carry out the job following the direction of the Director (O&M) or the concerned persons as the case may be.

9.2. Student Entry With a Valid Id Card

To ensure security, students will have to provide their valid ID at the entry points of UU on the day of any UU event. The concerned Security Officer will take the necessary steps(s) to ensure this. The Chief of Security may discuss this issue with the Director of Administration, Proctor, or any of the concerned person if needed.

9.3. Adequate Services of Security Personnel

On the occasion of central events such as the Convocation Ceremony, Orientation Programs(s), National Events, etc., adequate Security personnel will be deployed by the Security Office.

In addition, the Proctor may assign Assistant Proctors or Officers as needed to ensure security. To run a major event, the Director of Student Affairs, Proctor, and the concerned Academic and Administrative Heads may discuss relevant issues with each other.

A letter may be issued to the local Police Station to deploy police at LIU as a precautionary measure.

9.4. Transportation Services

The Director, Office of Student Affairs may provide transport services for the club events in consultation with authority as needed.

9.5. Invitation Cards

Invitation cards should be distributed among the BOT members, Faculty Members, Faculty Advisors of Student Clubs, UU officials, and others on time (i.e., at least 4 (four) days ahead of the Event. The concerned student club/organizer(s) must send the Invitation Card to the Chief Guest, Special Guests, Guest of Honor, and others at least 5 (five) days ahead of the Event to avoid any complications.

No Invitation Card and Printing Materials such as — banners, brochures, magazines, catalogs, etc., will be published without the authority's approval.

A draft of the invitation card, banner, magazine, catalog, brochure, etc., may be placed before the authority for proofreading and confirmation.

9.6. Medical Support

The Medical Officers and other staff may be assigned by the Director of Student Affairs to be made available during an event.

9.7. Assigning Office Support Staff

As per need, Office Support Staff/Cleaners may be assigned by the Director (Administration) in consultation with the Director of Student Affairs during an UU event.

9.8. Ensuring Discipline During a Concert

The Proctor may assign Assistant Proctor(s) to maintain discipline during a concert or a band performance. During a Concert/ Band performance, adequate Security Personnel may be deployed in consultation with the Chief Security Officer.

9.9. Uninterrupted Power Supply, Adequate Services of Lifts, Acs, etc

During an event, the Director (O&M) or the concerned person will take the initiative to provide an uninterrupted power supply, adequate services of lifts, ACS, etc.

9.10. Cleanliness

The concerned Officer(s) of Administration will take necessary steps to ensure the cleanliness of the campus and internal roadways in consultation with the Director of Administration and Director of O&M during a UU event.

9.11. Water Fountain with Sufficient Plastic Glasses

There will be an arrangement of water fountains(s) and sufficient water bottles with one-time usable plastic glasses to provide pure drinking water to the students and guests.

9.12. Email to UU_All

An email may be sent from the Office of the Vice-Chancellor inviting the UU Community to an event. The Faculty Advisor of Student Club(s), EB, and other organizers will take necessary steps in this regard in consultation with the UU authority. The concerned Student Club, department, and organizer(s) should prepare and send the soft copy of the invitation card ahead of time to disseminate the information to the UU community.

9.13. Report on the Program/event for Media Coverage

Immediately after completing the program/event, the Club and others should submit a Summary Report with pictures(s) to the Director of Public Relations through email. A copy of the same may be sent to the Director of Student Affairs, Sr. Student Affairs Officer, or the organizing department through email for media coverage.

9.14. Notice Posters, Banners, Festoon, Flyers, Etc. To Be Hanged with the Permission and Seal of the Office of the Proctor

Any Notice, Poster, Banner, Festoon, Flyer to be posted anywhere on the campus must have permission and seal with the signature of the Proctor's Office. Otherwise, they will be removed as per instruction of the Proctor or Assistant Proctor or any concerned authority.

Given the above, the concerned or organizers of the Student Clubs(s), departments of the different schools, and others are advised to hang any Notice, Poster, Banner, Festoon, Flyer, etc. at the time of organizing the Event with approval from the appropriate authority of UI-J. Subsequently, the copy of the support or relevant documents should be sent to the Proctor, Executive Director (Administration), Project Director, Director (O&M), Director (Public Relations), Director (IT), Chief of Security, and other concerned person(s).

10. Events Outside UU Premises

The students must follow some guidelines for participation of an event organized outside of the UU campus.

10.1. Consent Letter of for Event Outside UU Campus

If any event is organized outside UIJ, a consent letter from the parents of the participating students will be required. The concerned Club will submit the consent letters of parents to the Director of Student Affairs through the Faculty Advisor of the respective Club when submitting the event proposal. Without a consent letter from the parents, the concerned participant will not participate in the Event.

  1. Name and Valid UU ID
  2. Advising Slip
  3. Mailing address
  4. Contact number with email
  5. Alternative Contact Number
10.2. Verification of Consent Letter

Faculty Advisor(s) of the Student Clubs are advised to verify the consent letters. If any evidence of the unlawful practice is found, disciplinary action will be taken against the concerned student and the Club.

10.3. Participating/ Organizing Events Outside of the UU Premises

At the time of participating/organizing events outside of the UU campus by Student Clubs, a team from UU will accompany the participating students during the Event. This team may consist of

  • The Faculty Advisor of the Student Club
  • EB Members of the Student Club
  • Representatives from the Office of Student Affairs Representatives from the Office of the Proctor
10.4. Invitation/ Permission and Consent Letters for Domestic or Foreign Tours

For International Tours or any other Domestic Field Trip in the country or abroad, UU Student Clubs must submit the following documents:

  • Formal invitation letter from the concerned organization. Consent letter addressed to the Director of Student Affairs from the parents/guardians and a contact number and home address.
  • At the Domestic or Foreign field tour, the Faculty Advisor of the concerned Club should accompany the students. If the Faculty Advisor cannot accompany the students, any of the Faculty Member (s) may take the responsibilities in place of him/her.
  • Suppose any female student participates in such an event. In that case, the faculty

The advisor of the Concerned Student Club will discuss the issue with the Director of Student Affairs to avoid any unwanted incident.

10.5. Travel Expenses for Faculty Advisor for Domestic or Foreign Tours

The Expenses of Tours/field trips for the Faculty Advisor of Student Clubs will be borne by the respective club, and a separate budget should be kept against such a trip by the specific head of the event/program. As per the provision, participating students will bear a portion of the expense for the trip.

11. Violations of the Student Club Rules

Any violation of these rules will result in disciplinary actions against the concerned Member and the Club. Please consult the Student Code of Conduct specific for Student Club activities.


A. List of Clubs

Eleven (11) Extra-curricular Clubs:

  1. Film & Photography Club
  2. Club for Performing Arts
  3. Happiness & Well-being Club
  4. Debating Club
  5. Reading Club
  6. Heritage Club
  7. Blood Donors Club
  8. Social Services Club
  9. Environment & SDG Club
  10. Sports Club
  11. Wanderlust Club

Uttara University Club Event Sponsorship Form

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