
Uttara University has celebrated the orientation program of ‘Spring -2019’ arranged by the Department of Textile Engineering in the Auditorium of the University at 3:30 pm on 8 February, 2019 (Friday). Professor Engr. Mashud Ahmed, Vice-Chancellor, Bangladesh University of Textiles (BUTEX) was the Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Eaysmin Ara Lekha, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Professor Mumtaz Begum, Treasurer, Uttara University were the Special Guests, Mr. Kazi Mahiuddin, Registrar, Uttara University was present there as Guest of Honor. Md. Abu Bakar Siddiquee, Chairman, Department of Textile Engineering, Uttara University, Chaired the program. All other faculty members of Department of Textile Engineering and newly admitted students of Spring, Summer & Fall-2018 and Spring-2019 were present in the program.