
More than 35 major going BBA students and 12 faculty members of the School of Business were present in the seminar on Major Selection, Career Thinking, and Self-exploration. The seminar was organized by the School of Business, Uttara University on 04 August 2021 Wednesday at 7.30 pm in Google Meet Platform. Professor Dr. ASM Shahabuddin, Dean, School of Business and Ms. Sonia Rezina, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, were the resource persons of the seminar. The seminar was divided into four sessions. In the first session, Assistant Professor Mr. Soeb Noman explained the courses of different major areas, and Associate Professor Mr. Kazi Tareq Ullah, Chairman, Department of Business Administration described different factors that a student should consider before his or her major selection. In the second session, Assistant Professor Ms. Sonia Rezina clarified the soft skills and subject-related technical skills required for a good job. In the third session, Prof. Dr. ASM Shahabuddin, Dean, School of Business explained some real-life examples and gave some suggestions so that a student can select his or her major area of concentration thoughtfully. In the final session, the students asked different questions to the speakers and the speakers answered the questions with patience. Dean, School of Business announced the end of the seminar by providing special thanks to Mr. Md. Sharif Hossain, Assistant Professor, and Mr. Md. Zahidul Islam, Lecturer, Dept. of Business Administration for their contribution in organizing the seminar successfully.