The twenty-seventh research colloquium of the School of Business was held on January 31, 2023, Wednesday in IQAC Seminar Hall at 4:15 pm. Assistant Professor Mohammad Sharif Hossain, Dept. of Business Administration was the speaker. Mr. Sharif spoke on “Better Living through Dopamine Awareness”. He focused on empowering the attendees with a comprehensive understanding of dopamine and its detox on their well-being, and providing them with practical tools and strategies to optimize their dopamine levels and improve their quality of life. Md. Azmol Hossain, the moderator of the Research Club, played an active role in organizing the colloquium. Senior lecturer Md. Azmol Hossain, School of Business will be the speaker of the next colloquium which will be tentatively held on February 22, 2023 Wednesday.