Workshop on “Build Your Self-Esteem”



Student Ambassador Program of Uttara University organized a workshop on “Build Your Self-Esteem” for student ambassadors of Uttara University on 5 February 2020 at the IQAC Seminar Hall of the University. Mr. Md. Shoayeb Noman, Assistant Professor & Coordinator of BBA Program, conducted the workshop as a resource person. The main focus of the workshop is to develop the self-confidence and self-awareness to the students. The program was started with the welcome speech by Mohammad Sharif Hossain, Assistant Professor, School of Business and Coordinator, Student Ambassador Program while the program concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Zahidul Islam, Lecturer of Department of Business Administration and Coordinator, Student Ambassador Program. Mr. Shahnawaz Mostofa, Senior Lecturer & Coordinator of BBA Program and Mr. Md. Azmol Hossain, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, were also present in the workshop. Around 40 BBA student ambassadors attended the program.
