
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at Uttara University, in collaboration with “Adware IT” (one of the most renowned government-approved IT firms), has successfully organized a “Workshop on Cyber Security & Ethical Hacking with Bug Bounty Hunting & Web Security” on the 22nd February 2023, at CSE Seminar Room. More than 70 students & faculty members of the Dept. of CSE were present.
The presence of our Session Chair: Dr. A.H.M. Saifullah Sadi, Chairman, Dept. of CSE and Md. Shafiul Alam Chowdhury (Associate Professor), Md. Chowdhury Sajadul Islam (Assistant Professor) & Uttam Kumar Dey (Assistant Professor & Coordinator) created a pleasant environment for the Workshop.
There were two session trainers in the workshop from “Adware IT”: Mr. Munjur Hasan Certified Ethical Hacker (EC-Council) Instructor & Cyber Security Specialist, Adware IT Security Engineer, Global Brand Pvt Limited and Mr. Md. Julfikar Hyder Instructor & Cyber Security Specialist, Adware IT Bug Bounty Community Bangladesh, Administrator.
The program started with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Addressing the students, Dr. Sadi welcomed the participants cordially. He mentions that, “It’s no secret that the threat landscape is evolving rapidly, and we need to be equipped with the latest tools and knowledge to stay ahead of it. In today’s world, cyber security is a matter of utmost importance and cannot be taken lightly”. Cyber security is not a one-time event; it’s a continuous process that requires our attention and dedication.
President of Cyber Security Club, CSE, UU – Tariqul Islam have expressed the importance of Cyber Security in digital world.
The entire program was hosted successfully by the Cyber Security Club of the Dept. of CSE, Uttara University.