Targeted Participant / Designed for: Teachers of any University, Academician, Online Tutor
Date: 24th August 2020, Monday.
Time: 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Venue: Online Google Meet. ( Link will be given through email, after confirmation of seat. Teachers will get higher priority to attend.)
Facebook event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/3488588807853123/
Covered Topic : >> Different methods of Video lecture recording with a professional gesture, Offline mood(no need internet)
>> Video lecture editing and electronic distribution.
>> Etiquette & tips for Video lecture presentation
Using Tools: OBS, PPT, Kdenlive, Shotcut (all are open-source/Free software )
Resource Person :
1. Md. Kamruzzaman, Assistant Professor & Coordinator, EEE, UU
2. Mahmood Reaz Sunny, Assistant Professor, EEE, UU
*** Digital Certificate will be distributed after successful participation in the workshop and pass the post-workshop skill evaluation which will be conducted by resource persons.
Registration: Via Google Form – Mandatory for All (Due to limited seats, teachers will get higher priority to attend and the committee will confirm your seat by the email that you provide in registration application in google forms)
Registration Fee :
>> Faculty of Uttara University:- Free
>> Faculty from Other University:-
………………. IEEE Member: 300Taka.
………….Non-IEEE Member: 500.Taka.
Registration Deadline: 11:00 PM, 22nd August 2020
Registration Link :https://forms.gle/42fdxbaQR9cBL3z28
For any query, please contact:
Md. Shahriar Kabir, Lecturer, EEE, UU
Cell-01722667509, Email- m.kabir@uttarauniversity.edu.bd
Organized by:
Department of EEE, Uttara University, &
IEEE UU SB, Uttara University