Md. Turab Hossain's Details


Md. Turab Hossain

Section Officer

Degree Major Institute Passed
Postgraduate Diploma Information and Communication Technology Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology 2022
BSc (Hons) Physics National University Bangladesh 2016
HSC Science Rajshahi Board 2012
SSC Science Rajshahi Board 2010
Publication Publication Type Link
Hossain, M. T., Binti, J. Z., Uddin, M. R. (2024). A Review Paper on IPv4 and IPv6: A Comprehensive Survey. American Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 7(4), 170-175. Journal Paper Link
Hossain, Md. T. (2022), "দেশের শিল্পায়ন নিয়ে প্রকৌশল-পড়ুয়াদের ভাবনা", Daily Ittefaq, 17 April. Newspaper Article Link
Turab Hossain, Md. (2022,) "Development of a low cost embedded system for fire detection in a residential house", Institute of Information and Communication Technology, BUET - x, 28 p., 30 November. Working Papers Link
Designation Organization From To
Research Assistant BUET 2022-12-03 2024-01-15
Internship Keio University, Japan 2022-06-25 2022-08-24
Administrative Officer Amber IT Ltd. 2020-02-02 2022-06-30

With my leadership qualities and extensive work experience, I excel in effectively communicating and managing complex tasks with precision and accuracy. My ability to lead and inspire teams toward achieving organizational goals highlights my strong problem-solving skills. Additionally, I have experience in both administrative and research. Currently, I am serving as a Section Officer (ARRU), Office of the Registrar, at Uttara University. This diverse skill set and experience make me a valuable asset to any team or organization that values strong leadership, effective communication, and a deep understanding of technologies.

DiversAsia International Conference on Inclusive Higher Education, IIT Bhubaneswar, India 2024 as DiversAsia Partner Member:P4
Member, American Chemical Society (ACS)
Academic and Administrative Leadership and Decision-Making
Online and Hybrid Learning Administration
Strategic Planning in Higher Education
IPv4 and IPv6
