Md Samzir Ahmed's Details


Md Samzir Ahmed

Designation: Assistant Professor

Email: [email protected]

  • MA in Cultural Studies from English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India Year: 2016
  • MA in Bangla Language and Literature from Jahangirnagar University Year: 2014
  • BA (Hons) in Bangla Language and Literature from Jahangirnagar University Year: 2012
  1. বাংলাদেশের পুলিশি সংস্কৃতির ঝোঁক: উপনিবেশের দায়, রাষ্ট্রচিন্তা, বর্ষ ৫, সংখ্যা ১, জানুয়ারি ২০২১ What is ‘Science’ in Social Science: An Epistemological Investigation, UU Journal of Arts and Social Science, (Awaiting Response), Multiple Author
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  2. Paper presentation. “The Rift within Bangladeshi Nationalist Identity: Crisis of a Reactionary Nationalism”. 5th International Conference on Bengal Studies, 25-28 January, Dhaka 2017.
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  3. Invited Speaker. "Policing the Pandemic: Anticipating Decolonization of the Police?". Decoding Covid-19 and Allied Issues. International Interdisciplinary Webinar. Islampur College, Uttar Dinajpur, West Bengal, 01 September 20
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  4. সাংস্কৃতিক অধ্যয়নের জ্ঞানতাত্ত্বিক আচরণ (Epistemological Behaviour of Cultural Studies), Chintajaan,ISSN: 2616-8855, Vol. 01, No 02, Single Author
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  5. Journals: ধর্মনিরপেক্ষতার স্থানিক প্রয়োগযোগ্যতা: একটি অধিতাত্ত্বিক পাঠ (Contextual Applicability of Secularism: A Metatheoretical Study), Manababidya Gabesanapatra: The Research Journal of Humanities, ISSN: 2518-5853, Vol. 02, No 02, 2018, Single Author
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  6. ফারাক নির্মাণের রাজনীতি ও বিউপনিবেশায়ন ভাবনা ( Politics of Constructing Difference and Thoughts on Decolonization), Protichinta:A Quarterly Journal on Society, Economy and State, ISSN: 2310-2403, January-March Issue, 2019, Single Author
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  7. What is ‘Science’ in Social Science: An Epistemological Investigation, UU Journal of Business, Arts and Social Science, ISSN: 2959-9032, Vol. 01, No 01, 20, Multiple Author (Link)
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  8. Ahmed, Md. S. (2023). The Compromised Strongman: Interrelationship of Strongman Politics, Radical Rights, and Nationalism in Contemporary Bangladesh. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 0(0). (Link)
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
