Dr. Md. Sultanul Islam's Details


Dr. Md. Sultanul Islam

Designation: Dean

Email: [email protected]

  • PhD in Civil Engineering from Cardiff University, UK Year: 2011
  • MSc in Geo Environmental Engineering from Cardiff University, UK Year: 2006
  • BSc in Civil Engineering from Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) Year: 2004
  • HSC in Science from Rajshahi Board Year: 1999
  • SSC in Science from Rajshahi Board Year: 1997
  1. Islam, MN; Das, BK; Islam, MS and Huque, ME (2018), ‘Effect of pH, oxidation states of arsenic and, inorganic and organic fertilizers on accumulation of arsenic in vegetables’, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 11, Issue 2, pp. 1-11. DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2018/v11i2/120573
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  2. Tanzen, R; Hoque, JM and Islam, MS (2018), ‘Predicting highway crash frequency: A review of statistical regression models’, Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 87-99
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  3. Islam, MS and Zaman, S (2018), ‘Investigation of some selected water quality parameters of the Buriganga river’, Journal of Modern Science and Technology, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 124-133
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  4. Islam, MS (2019), ‘A case study on the development of sustainable sanitation facilities for the disaster affected low-income rural population in Bangladesh’, International Research Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, Volume 3, Issue 9, pp. 43-47
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  5. Islam, MS and Chowdhury, S (2020), ‘An investigation into the temporal pattern of water quality of a newly formed freshwater lake’, DIU Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 37-42
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  6. Masum, SA and Islam, MS (2020), ‘A case study on predicting the environmental impacts of untreated tannery effluent generated from a new industrial site in Bangladesh’, Geography, Environment, Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 3, pp. 22-31. DOI:10.24057/2071-9388-2019-127
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  7. Islam, MS; Sarker, AC and Meem, TT (2021), ‘A comparative study on water quality of the Dhaleshwari river near Savar tannery industrial estate’, DIU Journal of Science and Technology, Volume 16, Issue 1, pp. 17-23
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  8. Islam, MS; Islam, MN and Marzia, S (2021), ‘Seasonal and spatial variation of water quality in Cardiff Bay: Analysis of Historic data and future trend’, EnvironmentAsia, Volume 14, Issue 3, pp. 23-36. DOI:10.14456/ea.2021.20
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  9. Islam, MS; Kabir, SB; Islam, MN and Abdullah, MS (2024), ‘Investigation of solid waste generation rate of Dhaka city and characterization for biofuel conversion’, EnvironmentAsia, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 159-169. DOI: 10.14456/ea.2024.28
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  10. Islam, MS and Kulasegaram, S (2009), ‘Computational modelling of particulate composites using Element free Galerkin method’, Proceedings of the 17th UK National Conference on Computational Mechanics in Engineering, Nottingham, 6-8 April, ISBN 978 085358 255 7
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  11. Islam, MS; Natarajan, S; Kulasegaram, S and Bordas, S (2011), ‘Computational modelling of particulate composites using enriched Element free Galerkin method’, Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM 21), Limerick, Ireland, 22-24 August, ISSN 0927-0256
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  12. Islam, MS and Zaman, S (2017), ‘Investigation of some selected water quality parameters of the Buriganga river’, Proceedings of Civil and Water Resources Engineering Conference, Dhaka, 3-4 November, ISBN 978 1 925488 52 4
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  13. Tanzen, R; Hoque, JM and Islam, MS (2017), ‘Predicting highway crash frequency: A review of statistical regression models’, Proceedings of 14th Global Engineering and Technology Conference, Dhaka, 29-30 December, ISBN 978 1 925488 60 9
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  14. Aktar, MS and Islam, MS (2024), ‘An investigation into the compressive strength of concrete using demolition waste aggregates’, IWC 2024: Proceedings of the seventh international symposium on Concrete Construction - Present and Future; Kolkata, India, 18-20 January, Organized by Indian Concrete Institute, ISBN: 978-81-954806-5-4
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  15. Mostak, S and Islam, MS (2024), ‘Performance study of jute fiber reinforced concrete in the context of Bangladesh’, IWC 2024: Proceedings of the seventh international symposium on Concrete Construction - Present and Future; Kolkata, India, 18-20 January, Organized by Indian Concrete Institute, ISBN: 978-81-954806-5-4
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  16. Akhter, SN; Haque, MJ; Islam, MS; Islam, MN and Hassan, P (2024),'Assessment on the exposure of air, water and noise pollution, and mental stress on preeclamptic patients of Rajshahi, Bangladesh', Scholars International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Volume 7, Issue 7, pp. 305-313. DOI: 10.36348/sijog.2024.v07i07.004
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
