Professor Dr. Mirza Golam Rabbani's Details


Professor Dr. Mirza Golam Rabbani

Designation: Dean


  • PhD in Electrical Engineering from National University Singapore Year: 1998
  • MSc in Machine Drives and Power Electronics from The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India Year: 1989
  • BSc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering from Rajshahi University (RUET & KUET combined) Year: 1984
  • HSC in Science from Dhaka Board Year: 1978
  • SSC in Science from Dhaka Board Year: 1975
  1. M.G. Rabbani, J.B.X. Devotta, S. Elangovan (1997), "A fuzzy set theory based control of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage unit to improve power system dynamic performance", International Journal of Electric Power System Research Vol. 40 No.2 pp.107-114
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  2. M.G. Rabbani,S. Elangovan, J.B.X. Devotta, (1997), "ANN controlled SMES unit to improve damping of local area oscillations in power system", Journal of Institute of Engineers, Singapore Vol. 37 No.6 pp.35-41
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  3. M.G. Rabbani, J.B.X. Devotta, S. Elangovan (1998), "An efficient fuzzy control system for Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Vol. 20, No. 3, pp. 197-202.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  4. M.G. Rabbani, J.B.X. Devotta, S. Elangovan (1998), "An adaptive fuzzy control system for Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit for power systems", International Journal of Energy Conversion & Management Vol. 39, No.9 pp. 931-942.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  5. M.G. Rabbani, J.B.X. Devotta, S. Elangovan (1999), "Application of Simultaneous active and reactive power modulation of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit under unequal α-mode for power system stabilization", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Vol. 14, No. 2 pp. 547-552
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  6. M.G. Rabbani, J.B.X. Devotta, S. Elangovan (1999), "Multi-mode wide range sub-synchronous resonance stabilization using Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit", International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems Vol. 21, pp. 45-53
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  7. M.G. Rabbani, J.B.X. Devotta, S. Elangovan (1999), "An ANN based control for SMES Units in power systems", International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communication Vol. 7, No. 3 pp. 131-136
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  8. J.B.X. Devotta, M.G. Rabbani, S. Elangovan (1999), "Application of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit for damping of subsynchronous oscillations in power systems", International Journal of Energy Conversion & Management Vol. 40, pp. 23-37
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  9. J.B.X. Devotta, M.G. Rabbani, (2000), "Application of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit for multi-machine power systems", International Journal of Energy Conversion & Management Vol. 41, pp. 493-504
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  10. M.F. Hossain, T. Takahashi, M.G. Rabbani (2006), "Automatic generation Control with Fuzzy-Proportional Integral Controller in an Isolated Power System Considering Governor Non-linearity.", Journal of Engineering & Technology. Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 17-30.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  11. M.S. Anower, M. Rakibul Islam, M.R.I. Sheikh, M.G. Rabbani (2007), "Adaptive fuzzy frequency controller for an AGC for the improvement of an isolated power system dynamics.", International Journal of Engineering & Technology. Vol. 4 Issue. 3, December 2007, pp. 155-160.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  12. M.F. Hossain, M.R. Islam, T. Takahashi, M.G. Rabbani (2008), "Fuzzy based load frequency controller of a single area power system considering governor non-linearity", International Energy Journal Vol. 9( 2008) pp. 139-144.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  13. M.F. Hossain, T. Takahashi, M.G. Rabbani (2008), "Automatic Generation control with Fuzzy-Proportional Integral Controller in an Isolated Power System Considering Governor Nonlinearity", Journal Of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, (2008) 17-30. ISSN: 1684-4114.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  14. M. S. Anower, M. Rakibul Islam, M.R.I. Sheikh, M.F. Hossain, M.G. Rabbani (2008), "Adaptive Fuzzy Frequency Controller for an AGC of a Single Area Power System with Considering Governor DB & GRC", International Journal of Systems Simulation, Vol. 2, Issue 2, pp. 49-62, July-December 2008.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  15. M.F.Hossain, M. R. IsIam, M. G. Rabbani, M. F. Rahman, T. Takahasht (2008), "Fuzzy Based Integral Controller for an Automatic Generation Control in Multi-Area Power System", International Energy Journal Vol. 9( 2008) pp. 275-280.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  16. M.F. Hossain, M.S. Anower, T. Takahashi, M.G. Rabbani (2008), "Fuzzy based integral gain scheduling for AGC of an autonomous power system without consideration of governor dead band and GRC", International Journal of Systems Simulations, Vol.2 No.1 (2008). PP. 19-26.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  17. M.S.Anower, M.Rakibul IsIam, M.R.I. Sheikh, M.S. Hossain, M. G. Rabbani (2008), "Fuzzy based AGC with adaptive logic for the improvement of single area power system dynamics", Journal of Electronic and Computer Science Vol. 9, June 2008. pp. 19-27
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  18. MRakibul IsIam, M. G. Rabbani, M.S.Anower, M.R.I. Sheikh (2008), "Adaptive fuzzy frequency controller for an LFC for the improvement of interconnected power system dynamics", International Journal of Engineering and Technology. Vol.5, Issue-2, pp 257-262. June(2008)
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  19. M.R.I.Sheikh, Mirza Golam Rabbani (2008), "Application of a self tuning fuzzy gain scheduled controller to AGC in power system including SMES unit", Southeast University Journal of Science & Engineering Vol.2 No.2 December,2008 pp. 15-24
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  20. Omar Farrok, M. G. Rabbani, M R Islam (2008), "A New Technique to Minimize the Ripple Current of the PWM Inverter", Journal of Science and Technology (JST), Vol. 6, pp.163-172.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  21. M. R. IsIam, M. G. Rabbani, M.D.Hossain, M. F.Rahman (2009), "Effective solar photovoltaic activities in Bangladesh", International Energy Journal Vol. 10( 2009), pp. 29-36.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  22. Omar Farrok, M. G. Rabbani, M R Islam (2010), "Design and Simulation of an Efficient STATCOM Controller to Improve Electric Power System Dynamics", International Energy Journal Vol. 11( 2010), Issue 1, pp. 43-50
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  23. Omar Farrok, M. G. Rabbani, M R Islam (2010), "Minimization of Voltage Oscillations by Shunt Connected Facts Device Using Adjustable Gain PID Controller", Journal of Engineering Science (JES), (Ref. No: CEKUET/09/JES-23; Date of acceptance: 30 December, 2009)
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  24. M.G.Rabbani (2010), "Short Term Load Forecasting Using Artificial Neural Network (ANN)", Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology, Bangladesh Vol I, No. 3, pp- 39-43.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  25. M.G.Rabbani (2010), "Power System Stability analysis Under various Fault Conditions", Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology, Bangladesh Vol I, No. 3.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  26. M.G. Rabbani, Mahmuda Akter Monne, Ishuque Hossain (2012), "Automatic Generation Control based on Fuzzy Logic Controller", Stamford Journal of Electrical, Electronic & Communication Technology, Bangladesh Vol III, Isue 1, pp- 86-90.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  27. MR Sourov, UT Ahmed MG Rabbani (2012), "A High Performance Maximum Power Point Tracker for Photovoltaic Power System Using DC-DC Boost Converter", IOSR Journal of Engineering 2 (12), 12-20
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  28. Kirin Das, Mirza Golam Rabbani (2013), "Application of SMES in Wind Generator Controlled by 12-pulse converter", International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol 3, No. 3, Pp. 514-518.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  29. Kirin Das, Mirza Golam Rabbani (2013), "Grid Connected Micro Inverter System using Half bridge Converter", International Journal of Renewable Energy Research, Vol 3, No. 3, Pp. 441-445.
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  30. M.G. Rabbani (2020), "SMIB power system Simulink Model with SMES Unit for Transient Stability Studies", Eastern University Journal, Vol #9 Issue # 1&2 (2020)
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  31. P Barua, R Barua, V Shekher, Quamruzzaman, MG Rabbani (2022), "Contingency analysis and adoption of STATCOM in highly renewable energy penetrated Western Grid of Bangladesh", Cogent Engineering Vol. 9. Issue 1 (Link)
    Publication Type: Journal Paper
  32. 1. Fuzzy controlled SMES Unit for the improvement of synchronous generator damping International Power Engineering Conference, Singapore (IPEC’97) Vol. 1,pp.172-177 1997 Singapore 1. M.G. Rabbani 2. J.B.X. Devotta 3. S. Elangovan
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  33. 2. Fuzzy controlled SMES unit for power system application International Conference on Energy Management and Power Delivery, Singapore (EMPD’98) Vol. 1,pp. 41-46 1998 Singapore 1. M.G. Rabbani 2. J.B.X. Devotta 3. S. Elangovan
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  34. 3. Effect of SMES on AGC dynamics International Conference on Energy Management and Power Delivery, Singapore (EMPD’98)Vol. 1, pp. 61-66 1998 Singapore 1. J.B.X. Devotta 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. S. Elangovan
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  35. 4. Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit for power system application 1st International Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE’2001) pp.273-276 January 5-6, 2001 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.G. Rabbani
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  36. 5. Improvement of Power System Dynamics using Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit International Conference of EE Division, IEB, pp.261-268. 9th February, 2002, BIT Rajshahi. 1. M.G. Rabbani 2. M.R.I. Sheikh 3. M.A. Razzak
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  37. 6. Application of Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit as Continuous Var Controller 2nd International Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICEE’2002) pp. 101-106. October 23-24, 2002 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.R.I. Sheikh 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. M.M. Ali
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  38. 7. Damping of Power System Subsynchronous Oscillation Using Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit 2nd International Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE’2002) pp. 32-35 December 26-28, 2002 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.G. Rabbani 2. M.R.I. Sheikh
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  39. 8 Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit for Power System Application 2nd International Conference of Electrical Engineering (ICEE’2002) pp. 124-130 October 23-24, 2002 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.R.I. Sheikh 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. M.M. Ali
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  40. 9 A novel control Strategy for Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit to Improve Power System Stability International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering (ICEECE’2003) pp. 102-106 December 22-24, 2003 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.G. Rabbani 2. M.R.I. Sheikh 3. M.F. Hossain
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  41. 10 Application of Magnetic Energy Storage Unit for Power System Load Frequency Control International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering (ICEECE’2003) pp. 107-111. December 22-24, 2003 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.R.I. Sheikh 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. M.M. Ali
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  42. 11 Lossy Magnetic Energy Storage Inductor-Converter Unit as a Lead-lag Var Compensation International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering (ICEECE’2003) pp. 115-119 December 22-24, 2003 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.R.I. Sheikh 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. M.M. Ali
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  43. 12 Study of Power system stabilization by fuzzy controlled Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage Unit International Conference on Computer & Information Technology(ICCIT), 2004 pp. 719-725 December 26-28, 2004 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.R.I. Sheikh 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. M.M. Ali 4. M. S. Anower
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  44. 13 Application of fuzzy controlled SMES unit in automatic generation control 3rd International Conference on Electrical & Computer Engineering(ICECE), 2004 pp. 39-42 December 28-30, 2004 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.G. Rabbani 2. M.F. Hossain 3. M.R.I. Sheikh 4. M. S. Anower
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  45. 14 Magnetic Energy Storage Unit Application in Power System Stability 4th International conference on Electrical Engineering(ICEE & APM), pp.60-63. 26-28 January, 2006 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.R.I. Sheikh 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. M. S. Anower
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  46. 15 Reactive Power modulation of SMES unit under unequal -mode for Power System Var control Application International Conference on Electrical Engineering, IEB, 2006, pp. 75-78 January 26-28, 2006 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.R.I. Sheikh 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. M. S. Anower
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  47. 16 AGC for autonomous power system by using fuzzy proportional Integral Controller. International Conference on Electrical Engineering, IEB, 2006, pp. 83-86 January 26-28, 2006 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M. S. Anower 2. M.R.I. Sheikh 3. M.F. Hossain 4. M.G. Rabbani
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  48. 17 Fuzzy Gain Scheduling of an AGC in a single area power system 4th International conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2006, pp. 9-12. December 19-21, 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M. S. Anower 2. M.R.I. Sheikh 3. M.F. Hossain 4. M.G. Rabbani 5.A.B.. Nasiruzzaman
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  49. 18. Matlab based fault analysis toolbox for electrical power system 4th International conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2006, pp. 116-119. December 19-21, 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.G. Rabbani 2. A.B.M. Nasiruzzan 3. M.R.I. Sheikh 4. M. S. Anower
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  50. 19 Fuzzy Frequency Controller for an AGC for the improvement of multi-area power system dynamics 9th International Conference of ICCIT, 2006, Independent University December 21-23, 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M. S. Anower 2.M.G. Rabbani 3. M.R.I. Sheikh 4. M.F. Hossain 5. Nasiruzzaman
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  51. 20 Fuzzy-proportional Integral controller for an AGC in a single area power system. 4th International conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2006, pp. 120-123. December 19-21, 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M.F. Hossain 2. T. Takahashi 3. M.G. Rabbani 4. M.R.I. Sheikh 5. M. S. Anower
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  52. 21 Fuzzy frequency controller for an AGC for the improvement of power system dynamics 4th International conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2006, pp. 5-8. December 19-21, 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh 1. M. S. Anower 2. M.G. Rabbani 3. M.F. Hossain 4. M.R.I. Sheikh 5. M Rakibul Islam
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  53. 22 An educational purpose GUI for evolutionary computation in economic dispatch problem International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 355-359 2008, Dhaka Bangladesh 1.A.B.M.Nasiruzzaman1 2.M. G. Rabbani
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  54. 23 A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Solving Optimal Power Flow Problem International Conference on Electronics, Computer and Communication ICECE 2008, pp. 476-479. June 27-29, 2008, Rajshahi, Bangladesh 1.A.B.M.Nasiruzzaman1 2.M. G. Rabbani and others
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  55. 24 Design and Simulation of a Novel Controller to Minimize the Harmonic Components of the PWM Inverter. Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE).pp. 338-343 January2010 S Sylhet Bangladesh 1.Omar Farrok 2.M. G. Rabbani 3.M R Islam
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  56. 25 Design and Simulation of a Facts Controller Installed in Bangladesh National Grid to Improve Power Factor. Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE). pp. 344-349 January2010 S Sylhet Bangladesh 1.Omar Farrok 2.M. G. Rabbani 3.M R Islam
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  57. 26 Renewable Energy in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (CERIE).pp. . 649-654 January2010 S Sylhet Bangladesh 1. M R Islam 2.M. G. Rabbani 3. Omar Farrok
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  58. 27 Application of Genetic Algorithm in Unit Commitment Problem. Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education January2010 S Sylhet Bangladesh 1.M. A. Barik 2. A B M. Nasiruzzaman 3.M. S. Rahman 4.M. A. Hassan, 5.M. G. Rabbani
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  59. 28 Application of Genetic Algorithm in Power Ssytem Stabilizer Design. Proceedings of the Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education. January2010 S Sylhet Bangladesh 1.M. S. Rahman 2.M. A. Barik 3.M. A. Hassan, 4.M. G. Rabbani
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  60. 29 Power System Stabilizer TuningBased on Frequency Response Method. 8th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2014, pp. 536-539, December 20-22, 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh. December 20-22, 2014, Dhaka Bangladesh 1. Asif Ferdous 2. M.G. Rabbani
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  61. 30 Automatic Generation Control of two area power system with optimized gain parameters. 2nd International conference on Electrical Engineering and Information &Communication Technology May 21-23, 2015, Dhaka Bangladesh 1. Hasan Masrur 2. Asif Ferdous 3. M.G. Rabbani
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  62. "Frequency response based tuning of power system stabilizer to mitigate low frequency oscillation" 2nd International conference on Electrical Engineering and Information &Communication Technology May 21-23, 2015, Dhaka Bangladesh 1. Asif Ferdous 2. M.G. Rabbani et al.
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  63. "FLC based optimization of AGC controller parameters for an interconnected power system" 9th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering ICECE 2016, December 20-22, 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh. December20-22 Dhaka, B Bangladesh 1. Asif Ferdous 2. M.G. Rabbani
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  64. "Small Signal Stability and Transient Stability improvement of Bangladesh Power System using TCSC, SVC and TCSC, STATCOM based series shunt compensator" 2nd International Conference on Science and Contemporary Technologies (ICSCT), 2021, Publisher: IEEE. August 5-7 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1.Pollen Barua 2. R Barua; 3. M.G Rabbani; 4.Quamruzzaman
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  65. "Influence of large scale solar power on stability of east west interconnector system of Bangladesh power system" 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information & Communication Technology (ICEEICT), 2021, Publisher: IEEE November 18 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1.Pollen Barua 2. R Barua; 3. M.G Rabbani; 4.Quamruzzaman
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  66. "Impact of Wind Power Plant in Bangladesh Power System Stability" 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0, (STI-2021), Publisher: IEEE December 18-19 Dhaka, Bangladesh 1.Pollen Barua 2. M.G Rabbani; 3.Quamruzzaman
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  67. "Stability enhancement of Western grid of Bangladesh using unified power flow control" International Conference on Innovations in Science, Engineering and Technology (ICISET), 2022. Publisher: IEEE, pp 334-337 February 2022 Dhaka Bangladesh 1.Pollen Barua 2. Quamruzzaman 3. M.G Rabbani;
    Publication Type: Conference Paper
  1. Member Doctoral Committee at Islamic University of Technology(IUT), Gazipur-1704, Bangladesh (2023-09-01 to 2023-10-31 )
  2. Member at Dean’s Executive committee of the Faculty of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, KUET (2018-11-25 to 2021-12-31 )
  3. Chief Consultant at Installation of Electrical Substation and other electrical works of the permanent Campus of Eastern University at Ashulia, Dhaka (2018-01-01 to 2023-12-31 )
  4. Member at Academic Committee for Post-Graduation (ACPG), Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (2018-01-01 to 2018-12-31 )
  5. Professor & Chairman at Eastern University (2011-01-01 to 2024-12-31 )
  6. Chairman, PABX Committee at RUET (2008-12-01 to 2009-10-30 )
  7. Head, Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET), Bangladesh (2005-04-11 to 2009-04-10 )
  8. Officer-in-Charge at Central store, Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (2001-09-05 to 2007-04-10 )
  9. Provost at Shahid Shahidul Islam Hall at RUET, Rajshahi, Bangladesh (1992-09-01 to 1994-08-31 )
  10. Assistant Provost at Shahid Shahidul Islam Hall at RUET (1992-02-01 to 1992-08-31 )
  11. Professor at Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology (RUET) (1984-11-19 to 2010-12-31 )

Professor Dr. Mirza Golam Rabbani Dean, School of Science & Engineering, Uttara University, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dr. Mirza Golam Rabbani is a distinguished professor with over 40 years of experience in teaching, research, and academic leadership in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EEE). He has served as the Head of the EEE Department at RUET and held key academic and administrative positions at Eastern University. Currently, he is working as a Dean of School of Science and Engineering at Uttara University, Dhaka. He earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the National University of Singapore (1998), an M.Tech. in Machine Drives and Power Electronics from IIT Kharagpur, India (1989), and a B.Sc. in EEE from Rajshahi University (RUET & KUET Combined, 1984). His research focuses on power system stability, superconducting magnetic energy storage, and intelligent controllers, with 67 published research papers, including an IEEE publication. Dr. Rabbani has received numerous awards and scholarships, including a Special University Scholarship from NUS, Indian Government Scholarship for M.Tech degree, Technical Scholarship, Junior scholarship and the Best Paper Award from The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. He has supervised multiple postgraduate theses and has been an external examiner for universities such as BUET, KUET, and NSW, Australia. His extensive contributions to academia and industry also include consultancy in electrical substation installations and active involvement in curriculum development, accreditation, and quality assurance in higher education.

  1. Special University Scholarship by National University Singapore, Singapore for Ph.D. degree; 1994-1998
  2. Junior Scholarship by Ministry of Education, Bangladesh; 1973-1974
  3. Sena Kalyan Sangstha Scholarship for Higher Secondary study by Bangladesh Government; 1975-1977
  4. Technical Scholarship by Bangladesh Government for B.Sc. Engineering; 1979-1982
  5. Indian Government Scholarship for M.Tech. Degree in IIT Kharagpur, India; 1987-1989
  6. Special University Scholarship by National University Singapore, Singapore for Ph.D. degree; 1994-1998
  7. Best paper 2002 awarded by The Institution of Engineers Bangladesh; 2002
  1. Fellow, Institute of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB). No. F 10767
  1. Power System Dynamics
  2. Computer methods in power system
  3. Computer methods in power system
  4. Power system stability and control
  5. Design of intelligent controller (Fuzzy Controller, ANN) for power electronic converter unit
  6. Superconducting magnetic Energy Storage
  7. Renewable Energy
  8. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) using power electronics devices
  9. Machine drives
  10. Use of MATLAB software for Engineering Research
  1. Electrical Machine III (EEE 4161)
  2. Electric Drives and Control (EEE 4163)
  3. Power Plant Engineering (EEE 4167)
  4. Power System Operation and Control (EEE 4263)
  5. Electrical Circuits I (EEE 1101)
  6. Electrical Circuits I Sessional (EEE 1102)
  7. Electrical Circuits II (EEE 1203)
  8. Electrical Circuits II Sessional (EEE 1204)
  9. Electrical Machine I (EEE 2107)
  10. Electrical Machine II (EEE 2211)
  11. Electrical Machine II Sessional (EEE 2212)
  12. Digital Electronics (EEE 3119)
  13. Digital Electronics Sessional (EEE 3120)
  14. Engineering Numerical Analysis (EEE 3133)
  15. Power System I (EEE 3223)
  16. Industrial and Power Electronics (EEE 3225)
  17. Industrial and Power Electronics Sessional (EEE 3226)
  18. Microprocessors and Interfacing (EEE 3227)
  19. Microprocessors and Interfacing Sessional (EEE 3228)
  20. Project and Thesis (EEE 4000)
  21. Capstone Project (EEE 4100)
  22. Power System II (EEE 4139)
  23. Power System II Sessional (EEE 4140)
  24. Switchgear and Protection (EEE 4245)
  25. Switchgear and Protection Sessional (EEE 4246)
  1. Power System Dynamics
  2. Computer methods in power system
  3. Computer methods in power system
  4. Power system stability and control
  5. Design of intelligent controller (Fuzzy Controller, ANN) for power electronic converter unit
  6. Superconducting magnetic Energy Storage
  7. Renewable Energy
  8. Flexible AC transmission systems (FACTS) using power electronics devices
  9. Machine drives
  10. Use of MATLAB software for Engineering Research
