
More than 48 students of Batch-40 of BBA program of School of Business attended a seminar on Internship Report Writing and Defense on December 11, 2019. These students will work as internees in various organizations during Spring 2020 semester. Mr. Mohammad Afsar Kamal, Assistant Professor & Internship Coordinator, BBA, MBA & EMBA programs delivered welcome speech and explained the activities mentioned in internship calendar for Spring-2020. Dr. ASM Shahabuddin, Dean, School of Business & Chairman, Department of Business Administration advised students to exhibit professionalism while working as internees. Mr. Soeb Md. Shoayeb Noman, Assistant Professor & Coordinator of BBA Program of the Department of Business Administration successfully conducted the seminar as the resource person. At the end, Mr. Afsar Kamal thanked students for their spontaneous participation.