
A day-long workshop on “Knowing the Unknown of MS Word” was organized by the Uttara University Business Club (UUBC) of the School of Business on 13 August 2022 Saturday at SoB Auditorium. Professor Dr. ASM Shahabuddin, Dean, School of Business was the key facilitator of the workshop. As a faculty member of School of Business, Professor Shahabuddin has been realizing the importance of knowing some key essential issues related to MS Word and feeling to share these issues with the students through a formal training session. The contents of this workshop were really essential to uphold the basic application skills of students that would be helpful, especially in report writing. Professor Shahabuddin covered many topics in this day-long workshop. Among them, a few topics can be mentioned such as ‘Report writing heading, body, and page numbering’, ‘How to add background picture in documents’, ‘Making a text document interactive with different features and tools’, ‘Graphical documents’, ‘Reference style in report writing’, etc. After the completion of the hands-on session of the workshop, students took their certificates from Professor Shahbuddin. Here, Mr. Mohedul Islam, Assistant Professor, SoB played an organizing role as a moderator of UUBC club. Along with Mohedul Islam, club members of UUBC spent a lot of time for arranging this workshop. Finally, students participated in a photo session of this day-long workshop.